Passing an CComPtr<IDirect3DDevice9> to another class via its constructor

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2 comments, last by iMalc 10 years, 10 months ago

How do I safely pass a CComPtr<IDirect3DDevice9> to another class via its constructor? Do I pass by reference or by value? Which way does the CComPtr actually add to the reference counter? And do I store it as raw pointer or another CComPtr in the newly created class?

I'm bit overwhelmed by the pointers, references and memory leaks I have to deal with coming from C# :-/

Thanks for your help in advance,


In the new class you want to store a CComPtr, not a raw pointer. Using a combination of raw pointers and CComPtrs defeats the purpose of using a CComPtr in the first place. A CComPtr will increment the reference count of the pointed to interface whenever that interface is passed to a CComPtr constructor or assignment operator. You can pass a CComPtr by value or reference, though pass by value is generally inefficient if you're just going to sink that value into another CComPtr.

So if this is my class:

class MyClass
	CComPtr<IDirect3DDevice9> d3ddev;

	MyClass(IDirect3DDevice9 * _d3ddev)
		this->d3ddev = _d3ddev;

And I would create an instance of it like this:

CComPtr<IDirect3DDevice9> d3ddev;

    // d3ddev gets inititialized here

    MyClass myclass1(d3ddev);

Then that would be fine?

Other than using the constructor initialisation list, yes that is the right way to do it.

The parameter should be a raw type, as you have it, and the member should be a smart type, again as you have it.

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