Z-buffer and the clip planes-- help me understand them

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9 comments, last by Hawkblood 10 years, 2 months ago

I created a vector structure with __int64 and float. It works well for a coordinate system.

This video (includes sound this time) shows the scaling ability of objects in the game:



Either you don't understand the distances involved, or your concept of "trivial and fast" as it applies to games is very different than mine.

I understand exactly how large the solar system is. This is one of the features I have included in my engine. That is why I need a special render loop with several stages for various distances.

The maximum travel time from Earth to Mars is about 25 minutes when we are at opposite ends of the sun. You could complete a speed run of Zelda: Ocarina of Time while you wait to travel.

This is where "relativistic" space travel comes into play. This formula:


is used for the "time dilation effect". The closer you get to the speed of light the slower your perception of time is. This means that the 25 actual time it would take for an object going SOL (or very near since nothing but light can go that fast by normal means) would SEEM, to the occupants of such a craft, to only be less than a minute or two (depending on how close to SOL).


As far as size goes, with the coordinate system I use, you could go 1559846446.2801920865888719769998 times the distance from the Sun to Pluto before wrapping around the coordinates.

Another way to look at it:
The star Hip 96088 is ~154 parsecs from Sol. This is the farthest of the 30,000 nearest stars.
A parsec is 3x10^13 km
That would be 4620,000,000,000,000 km from Sol.
With a max distance of travel on any axis being 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 km for my coordinate system.
The ship could travel ~1996.4 x that distance before wrapping around.

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