Easy to use c# sound API - thoughts?

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1 comment, last by shadowisadog 10 years, 2 months ago

Hi All,

I'm grappling with a number of sound API options for c#. My previous implementation using WMP.dll has hit problems of a wierd nature, and so I'm looking at plan B.

Getting irrKlang to work with sharpdevelop is proving futile.

What else can I use? Or more to the point what DO people here actually use for c# sound? I just need the ability to play simultaneous sounds really. Not much.

Thanks in advance! sad.png


I've had a look at BASS.NET. This still looks like an API where I'd end up writing boiler-plate code to play a sound even.

SDL.NET seems to have terrible support, so if I got stuck I'd be on my own somewhat.

I had a go with Naudio and Xaudio2 a while back and ditched them for WMP.dll, which worked well enough at the time.

How about an OpenAL binding?



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