Best comment ever

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106 comments, last by Finalspace 6 years, 11 months ago

Okay, although this is not a code snippet, it can trigger your imagination about what we've been going through with this guy's code smile.png

This is the comment that I came across (obviously after another programmer fixed his mental code design and bugs)

// TODO BILLY: Potentially improve programming skills


You can find more at

LOL :) golden

"Smoke me a kipper i'll be back for breakfast." -- iOS: Science Fiction Quiz


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I once read through a piece of code of an open source project that was filled with

//don't even try to make sense of this


//get out whilst you can

From 3rd party code for a game I worked on;

// This is always 2
#define MAX_PLAYERS 3

From 3rd party code for a game I worked on;

// This is always 2
#define MAX_PLAYERS 3

Back when it was 2nd party code, I'm sure it was 2. =)

I sprinkle my code with such :

# (Coffeescript)

# TODO: derp, move this
numericSort = (a,b) -> a-b

# ...

# TODO: less huehue
ids = (_.pluckDeep models, '*.foo[*].bar[*].id').sort numericSort

I always laugh a little when I found a comment like:

//TODO move this somewhere else

And it literally says "somewhere else", the original developer knew it was a bad place but didn't know where was a good place, so with that comment it's automatically fixed and pasted there forever. It's more funny when you find it in a codebase that's grown a lot over a few years and you think about how many people saw it and didn't want to take the risk of changing it, possibly introducing bugs. Also, it's even more funny when you realize you're one of them... it works there, there are bigger problems in the code, so it's not that bad. Anyway, it has a TODO comment, it will be done some time in the future... right?

hardly the best comment ever, but it acts like it..

      angle_x  = 0;                      /* Set X-axis angle to zero */
      trx      =  mat[5];                 /* And calculate Z-axis angle */

may not seem like an issue until you try to decomment that section of code...

neither a follower nor a leader be

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