vs 2013 hlsl compiler output path

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2 comments, last by megadan 9 years, 9 months ago

In my project settings i have set "Output directory" to "../Bin" folder, now i need to set output path for my shaders using HLSL Compiler as par of the build process, so i want my output shaders to be in "Bin/data/shaders/" folder but dont know what is the sintaks for this:


I have looked on MSDN help for Property Pages but cannot see example how should i do this.


$(OutDir) will include the trailing slash, so you should be able to just set it to $(OutDir)data\shaders\%(Filename).pso. You can set this per shader, or you could set a default for all new and existing shaders by going to the properties for the project instead of the shader and changing the same setting from there. If you want to generate a certain extension for each compiled shader type (like .vso and .pso) and your non compiled shaders use .vs and .ps, then you should be able to do something like this $(OutDir)data\shaders\%(Filename)%(Extension)o

Thank you very much. smile.png

Also if you want to see all the available macros and what they evaluate to, click on the drop arrow that appears next to the Object File Name textbox, click <Edit...>, then click Macros.

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