Sorting out the bits

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5 comments, last by Ameise 9 years, 8 months ago


I'm trying to create 'bit keys' for my renderables, to be able to sort them in an order I want.

I got so far that I can create the keys and retrieve information from them, they're even sorted.

Unfortunately thery're sorted on 'mesh'.

Can someome try to help me out on how to sort them based on:

1 - matgroup, then

2 - material

3 - then mesh

4 - then distance

Any input is appreciated, here's the test app source.

#include <Windows.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

typedef struct Q_RENDERABLE
	int	MatGroup;
	int	Material;
	int	Mesh;
	int	Instance;
	int	Id;		
	bool Visible;
	float DistToCamSqr;

	// testing
	int DistToCamConv;

std::vector<Q_RENDERABLE> tRenderables;
std::vector<int> tIndexUnsorted;
std::vector<int> tIndexSorted;

std::vector<UINT64> tBitKeys;

bool Setup(const std::string pFilename);
bool CreateIndexUnsorted();
bool CreateBitKeys();
bool SortKeys();
bool OutputResults(const std::string pFilename);

bool loaded = false;
bool created = false;
bool bitKeysCreated = false;

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
				   HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
				   LPSTR lpCmdLine,
				   int nCmdShow)
	if(!Setup("testbucket.txt")) return 0;
	if(!CreateIndexUnsorted()) return 0;
	if(!CreateBitKeys()) return 0;
	if(!SortKeys()) return 0;

	if(!OutputResults("indices.txt")) return 0;

	return 1;


bool Setup(const std::string pFilename)
	std::ifstream readFile(pFilename);
	if(!readFile) return false;


	char temp[255];
	for(int j=0;j<6;++j) readFile >> temp;

	bool done = false;
		readFile >> tempRend.Id;
		if(tempRend.Id == 9999) break;

		readFile >> tempRend.MatGroup;
		readFile >> tempRend.Material;
		readFile >> tempRend.Mesh;
		readFile >> tempRend.Instance;
		readFile >> tempRend.DistToCamSqr;
		tempRend.Visible = true;


	loaded = true;
	return true;


bool CreateIndexUnsorted()
	if(!loaded) return false;
	for(size_t rend=0;rend<tRenderables.size();++rend)
		if(tRenderables[rend].Visible) tIndexUnsorted.push_back(rend);
	created = true;
	return true;

bool CreateBitKeys()
	if(!loaded) return false;

	// 4 bits: material group	(range 0 - 16)
	// 8 bits: materal ID		(range 0 - 255)
	// 8 bits: mesh ID			(range 0 - 255)
	// 16 bits: mesh inst ID	(range 0 - 2048)
	// 8 bits: dist to cam		(range 0 - 255)		=> needs conversion

	// convert dists to cam, testing (define max and then convert)
	float maxDist = tRenderables[0].DistToCamSqr;
	for(size_t rend=1;rend<tRenderables.size();++rend)
		if(tRenderables[rend].DistToCamSqr > maxDist) maxDist = tRenderables[rend].DistToCamSqr;
	// maxDist == 250
	for(size_t rend=0;rend<tRenderables.size();++rend) tRenderables[rend].DistToCamConv = (int((250 * tRenderables[rend].DistToCamSqr) / maxDist));

/*	00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
	MGRP << 40;		4 bits
	MAT << 32;		8 bits
	MESH << 24;		8 bits
	INST << 8;		16 bits
	DIST << 0;		8 bits

		makeKey = ((0xFF & tr.MatGroup) << 40)	| ((0xFF & tr.Mesh) << 32)		| ((0xFF & tr.Instance) << 16)		| ((0xFF & tr.DistToCamConv) << 8)	| (0xFF & tr.Material);


	for(size_t rend=0;rend<tIndexUnsorted.size();++rend)
		auto &tr = tRenderables[tIndexUnsorted[rend]];
		UINT64 makeKey = 0;

		makeKey = ((0xFF & tr.MatGroup) << 40)	| ((0xFF & tr.Material) << 32)	| ((0xFF & tr.Mesh) << 24)			| ((0xFF & tr.Instance) << 8)		| (0xFF & tr.DistToCamConv);

	bitKeysCreated = true;
	return true;


bool SortKeys()
	if(!bitKeysCreated) return false;

	std::vector<int> tSortIndexTemp;
	std::vector<UINT64> tSortKeysTemp;

	for(size_t tIndex=0;tIndex<tIndexUnsorted.size();++tIndex) tSortIndexTemp[tIndex] = tIndex;

	std::sort(tSortIndexTemp.begin(), tSortIndexTemp.end(), [&](int a, int b)
	{ return tBitKeys[a] < tBitKeys[b]; } );

	for(size_t sorted=0;sorted<tIndexUnsorted.size();++sorted)
		tIndexSorted[sorted] = tSortIndexTemp[tIndexUnsorted[sorted]];
	return true;


bool OutputResults(const std::string pFilename)
	if(!loaded || !created) return false;

	std::ofstream oResult(pFilename);


	oResult << "Unsorted (visible) index: " << std::endl;
	for(size_t rend=0;rend<tIndexUnsorted.size();++rend)
		oResult << tIndexUnsorted[rend] << std::endl;
	oResult << "Checking visible renderable 5" << std::endl;
	oResult << tRenderables[tIndexUnsorted[5]].MatGroup << ", ";
	oResult << tRenderables[tIndexUnsorted[5]].Material << ", ";
	oResult << tRenderables[tIndexUnsorted[5]].Mesh << ", ";
	oResult << tRenderables[tIndexUnsorted[5]].Instance << ", ";
	oResult << tRenderables[tIndexUnsorted[5]].DistToCamConv << std::endl;


	retrTest.MatGroup = (tBitKeys[tIndexUnsorted[5]] >> 40  & 0xFF);
	retrTest.Material = (tBitKeys[tIndexUnsorted[5]] >> 32  & 0xFF);
	retrTest.Mesh = (tBitKeys[tIndexUnsorted[5]] >> 24  & 0xFF);
	retrTest.Instance = (tBitKeys[tIndexUnsorted[5]] >> 8  & 0xFF);
	retrTest.DistToCamConv = (tBitKeys[tIndexUnsorted[5]] & 0xFF);
	oResult << "Retrieved renderable 5: " << std::endl;
	oResult << retrTest.MatGroup << ", ";
	oResult << retrTest.Material << ", ";
	oResult << retrTest.Mesh << ", ";
	oResult << retrTest.Instance << ", ";
	oResult << retrTest.DistToCamConv << std::endl;

	oResult << std::endl;
	oResult << "Sorted renderables using bit keys:" << std::endl;
	oResult << "ID\tmatgrp\tmatl\tmesh\tinst\tdistsqr" << std::endl;

	for(size_t rend=0;rend<tIndexSorted.size();++rend)
		oResult << tRenderables[tIndexSorted[rend]].Id << "\t";
		oResult << tRenderables[tIndexSorted[rend]].MatGroup << "\t";
		oResult << tRenderables[tIndexSorted[rend]].Material << "\t";
		oResult << tRenderables[tIndexSorted[rend]].Mesh << "\t";
		oResult << tRenderables[tIndexSorted[rend]].Instance << "\t";
		oResult << tRenderables[tIndexSorted[rend]].DistToCamSqr << std::endl;

	return true;

(it's actually just one cpp and will compile if you try:))

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me


You forgot to include testbucket.txt. (I recreated it from what you posted in the chat.)

    UINT64 makeKey = 0;
    makeKey |= (UINT64)tr.MatGroup << 40;
    makeKey |= (UINT64)tr.Material << 32;
    makeKey |= (UINT64)tr.Mesh     << 24;
    makeKey |= (UINT64)tr.Instance << 8;
    makeKey |= tr.DistToCamConv; //this one's a float, I guess

You were shifting int's and then or'ing them into the UINT64. The information was being lost before it was added.

Another way to do it is to just or in a value, then use <<= on makeKey to make room for the next value.

void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

Wow, thanks! This is so cool, it fully works.

Below is the sorted result.

Can you give an example how I would do it by using <<=, I thought that was a bad idea, because for example an actual value of one of the integers, might be smaller then the number of reserved bits. Doing it like I do above/ now, makes sure the bits are always on the same starting place.

The dist to cam conv(erted) is actually also an int (converted to a range 0 - 255), so it will fit into 8 bits.

As I understand correctly it sorts from right to left, because most right bits are the material group, then material etc.

The only thing I don't understand yet is why it now sorts first on distance and then on inst (because the bits are the other way around).

Update: it doesn't, I just had a bad example. I'll play around switching inst and dist and see what happens :)

Sorted renderables using bit keys:
ID	matgrp	matl	mesh	inst	distsqr
2	0	0	7	44	1523.69
1	0	0	7	44	1928.28
0	0	0	7	44	2679.06
1	0	0	8	45	1526.07
2	0	0	8	45	1961.64
0	0	0	8	45	2678.64
5	0	1	1	30	641.774
0	0	1	1	30	863.876
1	0	2	1	28	297.844
7	0	2	1	28	298.979
3	0	2	1	28	302.922
3	0	2	1	30	681.976
1	0	2	1	30	715.996
7	0	2	1	30	710.025
2	0	3	1	28	324.312
2	0	3	1	30	784.915
0	0	9	13	14	26.7233
0	0	9	13	15	50.9233
0	0	9	13	16	26.5313
0	0	9	13	17	50.7313
1	0	10	13	14	31.211
1	0	10	13	15	56.941
1	0	10	13	16	31.019
1	0	10	13	17	56.749
2	0	11	13	14	26.546
2	0	11	13	15	50.746
2	0	11	13	16	27.884
2	0	11	13	17	52.084
3	0	12	13	14	23.4845
3	0	12	13	15	46.1545
3	0	12	13	16	23.2925
3	0	12	13	17	45.9625
4	0	13	13	14	28.1495
4	0	13	13	15	52.3495
4	0	13	13	16	26.4275
4	0	13	13	17	50.6275
0	0	19	17	10	632.05
0	0	24	21	3	244.611
1	0	24	21	3	241.486
2	0	25	21	3	257.666
0	1	14	14	1	0
0	1	14	14	12	24.6981
1	1	15	14	1	0
1	1	15	14	12	25.8981
2	1	16	14	1	0
2	1	16	14	12	25.8144
19	1	21	19	5	210.195
3	1	21	19	5	220.368
4	1	21	19	5	219.088
5	1	21	19	5	240.494
9	1	21	19	5	242.705
12	1	21	19	5	237.035
1	1	21	19	5	251.263
17	1	21	19	5	248.869
18	1	21	19	5	266.779
16	1	21	19	5	274.828
2	1	21	19	5	274.758
23	1	21	19	5	286.909
0	1	21	19	5	279.369
20	1	21	19	5	281.241
21	1	21	19	5	289.241
25	1	21	19	5	299.007
22	1	21	19	5	296.312
24	1	21	19	5	301.771
11	1	21	19	5	313.179
15	1	21	19	5	316.496
6	1	21	19	5	327.245
7	1	21	19	5	325.97
8	1	21	19	5	347.619
10	1	21	19	5	349.88
14	1	21	19	5	357.944
13	1	21	19	5	371.248
9	1	21	19	6	333.87
5	1	21	19	6	339.316
2	1	21	19	6	352.877
16	1	21	19	6	348.235
19	1	21	19	6	361.184
12	1	21	19	6	371.141
18	1	21	19	6	391.29
3	1	21	19	6	406.877
8	1	21	19	6	405.05
0	1	21	19	6	399.231
10	1	21	19	6	399.653
20	1	21	19	6	401.6
23	1	21	19	6	401.844
4	1	21	19	6	413.153
21	1	21	19	6	408.107
22	1	21	19	6	413.031
24	1	21	19	6	415.278
25	1	21	19	6	414.707
15	1	21	19	6	424.459
11	1	21	19	6	423.048
13	1	21	19	6	439.107
17	1	21	19	6	434.9
1	1	21	19	6	431.338
14	1	21	19	6	478.828
6	1	21	19	6	472.361
7	1	21	19	6	478.642
8	1	35	25	54	319.827
4	2	4	1	28	307.071
6	2	4	1	28	307.903
4	2	4	1	30	692.514
6	2	4	1	30	691.557
3	2	7	4	18	648.601
0	2	7	4	18	731.78
5	2	7	4	18	852.965
4	2	7	4	18	977.865
2	2	7	4	24	807.783
4	2	7	4	24	1048.26
5	2	7	4	24	1195.96
1	2	27	22	2	25.9537
0	3	6	3	39	458.656
0	3	6	3	40	505.257
0	3	6	3	41	541.335
0	3	8	9	46	660.565
0	3	8	10	47	698.492
0	3	8	11	48	160.596
0	3	8	12	49	131.051
0	3	17	15	0	0
1	3	17	15	0	0
2	3	17	15	0	0
0	3	17	15	13	50.8262
1	3	17	15	13	48.7949
2	3	17	15	13	51.9707
0	3	22	20	4	804.828
1	3	23	20	4	879.321
0	3	26	22	2	25.941
0	3	30	25	54	323.753
1	3	30	25	54	323.794
2	3	30	25	54	321.517
3	3	31	25	54	328
4	3	32	25	54	322.811
5	3	32	25	54	323.494
6	3	33	25	54	321.439
10	3	33	25	54	321.502
7	3	34	25	54	320.425
9	3	36	25	54	320.352

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me

// 4 bits: material group
UINT64 makeKey = tr.MatGroup;
// 8 bits: materal ID
makeKey <<= 8; //push it over by 8 bits to make room
makeKey |= tr.Material & 0xFF;
// 8 bits: mesh ID
makeKey <<= 8; //push it over by 8 bits to make room
makeKey |= tr.Mesh & 0xFF;
// 16 bits: mesh inst ID
makeKey <<= 16; //push it over by 16 bits to make room
makeKey |= tr.Instance & 0xFFFF;
// 8 bits: dist to cam
makeKey <<= 8; //push it over by 8 bits to make room
makeKey |= (char)tr.DistToCamConv; //float is usually 32bit, so casting to char will give you an 8-bit value...
void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

Thanks, I switched dist and inst, because I first want to sort on dist (distance from camera).

For now:

		makeKey |= (UINT64)tr.MatGroup		<< 60;
		makeKey |= (UINT64)tr.Material		<< 52;
		makeKey |= (UINT64)tr.Mesh			<< 44;
		makeKey |= (UINT64)tr.DistToCamSqr	<< 28;
		makeKey |= (UINT64)tr.Instance;


ID	matgrp	matl	mesh	inst	distsqr
2	0	0	7	1523.69	44
1	0	0	7	1928.28	44
0	0	0	7	2679.06	44
1	0	0	8	1526.07	45
2	0	0	8	1961.64	45
0	0	0	8	2678.64	45
5	0	1	1	641.774	30
0	0	1	1	863.876	30
1	0	2	1	297.844	28
7	0	2	1	298.979	28
3	0	2	1	302.922	28
3	0	2	1	681.976	30
7	0	2	1	710.025	30
1	0	2	1	715.996	30
2	0	3	1	324.312	28
2	0	3	1	784.915	30
0	0	9	13	26.7233	14
0	0	9	13	26.5313	16
0	0	9	13	50.9233	15
0	0	9	13	50.7313	17
1	0	10	13	31.211	14
1	0	10	13	31.019	16
1	0	10	13	56.941	15
1	0	10	13	56.749	17
2	0	11	13	26.546	14
2	0	11	13	27.884	16
2	0	11	13	50.746	15
2	0	11	13	52.084	17
3	0	12	13	23.4845	14
3	0	12	13	23.2925	16
3	0	12	13	45.9625	17
3	0	12	13	46.1545	15
4	0	13	13	26.4275	16
4	0	13	13	28.1495	14
4	0	13	13	50.6275	17
4	0	13	13	52.3495	15
0	0	19	17	632.05	10
1	0	24	21	241.486	3
0	0	24	21	244.611	3
2	0	25	21	257.666	3
0	1	14	14	0	1
0	1	14	14	24.6981	12
1	1	15	14	0	1
1	1	15	14	25.8981	12
2	1	16	14	0	1
2	1	16	14	25.8144	12
19	1	21	19	210.195	5
4	1	21	19	219.088	5
3	1	21	19	220.368	5
12	1	21	19	237.035	5
5	1	21	19	240.494	5
9	1	21	19	242.705	5
17	1	21	19	248.869	5
1	1	21	19	251.263	5
18	1	21	19	266.779	5
16	1	21	19	274.828	5
2	1	21	19	274.758	5
0	1	21	19	279.369	5
20	1	21	19	281.241	5
23	1	21	19	286.909	5
21	1	21	19	289.241	5
22	1	21	19	296.312	5
25	1	21	19	299.007	5
24	1	21	19	301.771	5
11	1	21	19	313.179	5
15	1	21	19	316.496	5
7	1	21	19	325.97	5
6	1	21	19	327.245	5
9	1	21	19	333.87	6
5	1	21	19	339.316	6
8	1	21	19	347.619	5
16	1	21	19	348.235	6
10	1	21	19	349.88	5
2	1	21	19	352.877	6
14	1	21	19	357.944	5
19	1	21	19	361.184	6
13	1	21	19	371.248	5
12	1	21	19	371.141	6
18	1	21	19	391.29	6
0	1	21	19	399.231	6
10	1	21	19	399.653	6
20	1	21	19	401.6	6
23	1	21	19	401.844	6
8	1	21	19	405.05	6
3	1	21	19	406.877	6
21	1	21	19	408.107	6
4	1	21	19	413.153	6
22	1	21	19	413.031	6
25	1	21	19	414.707	6
24	1	21	19	415.278	6
11	1	21	19	423.048	6
15	1	21	19	424.459	6
1	1	21	19	431.338	6
17	1	21	19	434.9	6
13	1	21	19	439.107	6
6	1	21	19	472.361	6
14	1	21	19	478.828	6
7	1	21	19	478.642	6
8	1	35	25	319.827	54
4	2	4	1	307.071	28
6	2	4	1	307.903	28
6	2	4	1	691.557	30
4	2	4	1	692.514	30
3	2	7	4	648.601	18
0	2	7	4	731.78	18
2	2	7	4	807.783	24
5	2	7	4	852.965	18
4	2	7	4	977.865	18
4	2	7	4	1048.26	24
5	2	7	4	1195.96	24
1	2	27	22	25.9537	2
0	3	6	3	458.656	39
0	3	6	3	505.257	40
0	3	6	3	541.335	41
0	3	8	9	660.565	46
0	3	8	10	698.492	47
0	3	8	11	160.596	48
0	3	8	12	131.051	49
0	3	17	15	0	0
1	3	17	15	0	0
2	3	17	15	0	0
1	3	17	15	48.7949	13
0	3	17	15	50.8262	13
2	3	17	15	51.9707	13
0	3	22	20	804.828	4
1	3	23	20	879.321	4
0	3	26	22	25.941	2
2	3	30	25	321.517	54
0	3	30	25	323.753	54
1	3	30	25	323.794	54
3	3	31	25	328	54
4	3	32	25	322.811	54
5	3	32	25	323.494	54
6	3	33	25	321.439	54
10	3	33	25	321.502	54
7	3	34	25	320.425	54
9	3	36	25	320.352	54

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me

As an aside, have you thought about using a union?

something along the lines of:

union {

struct MaterialGroup {

char MatGroup

char Material

char Mesh

char DistToCamSqr

char Instance

etc, whatever gets you up to using a 64 bit value


UINT64 packedValue;


EDIT: Oh, i was lazy, i see some stuff is different sizes than char, in which case you want something like int MaterialGroup:2 or what not as the size requires.

I suspect that a bitfield would also be appropriate here.

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