Clip (mask out) child by parent bounds.

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13 comments, last by unbird 9 years, 2 months ago


I'm working on GUI. I have a parent-child relationship and I want to make parent "maskable", i.e. every child pixel outside parent should be discarded. The problem is that I render my GUI in single pass and can't figure out how to use stencil (I think it's not possible in my case). Also my elements are semi-transparent.

I render all elements without depth test - I submit geometry in order - from deepest to nearest. And I'm trying to achieve the following:


I numerated the quads by order. 1 - deepest one, next 2, 3 is a child of 2 and should be clipped, 4 is above 2 (and 3 since it's a child). All quads are semi-transparent.

As you can see - stenciling will not help here. I tried different approach - every element have an id. Every child also have parent id. In fragment shader when I render a parent I write to a RWTexture an id. Next when I render a child - I check if a RWTexture have a parent id. If no - discard pixel. That worked amazingly well! But here clever guys told me that pixel shader executes in random order and writes to RWTexture happens randomly. So it's possible that child will try to write before parent (thought I never see this in my tests). And I can't rely any more on this technique. And right now I don't have any ideas how to achieve clipping in single draw call.

P.S.: the layout and number of element is not known at compile time. Also elements can be transformed and have round corners so there's no way to analytically calculate child pixel position relative to parent.


I use the scissor-test in OGL for this (don't know if there's something similar in DX). Nevertheless, you could implement this in a shader, just discard the pixels which are not inside the bounding rect of the parent element.

But here clever guys told me that pixel shader executes in random order and writes to RWTexture happens randomly.

Take a look at what MJP wrote:

When you draw triangles, the value output from the pixel shader (using SV_Target) will be written to your render target in the order of triangle submission.

For this case, only the per pixel case is important.

There's probably a way doing it in a single pass - and without state changes. If you have only axis-aligned rectangles you can simply clip them when filling up your vertex buffer. Rectangle intersections will yield only rectangles again - or nothing. While clipping adjust the texture coords accordingly.

For non-rectangular regions, you could use a second texture as a mask and do manual blending (so to speak) in the pixel shader. This can of course be combined with the above approach.

Nevertheless, you could implement this in a shader, just discard the pixels which are not inside the bounding rect of the parent element.

If you have only axis-aligned rectangles you can simply clip them when filling up your vertex buffer.

As I wrote in PS, I have rotating quads. Also quads can have round corners (and maybe holes) so it will be difficult to calculate it analytically. It was my mistake that I wrote about quads. I probably have to write arbitrary geometry.

For non-rectangular regions, you could use a second texture as a mask and do manual blending (so to speak) in the pixel shader. This can of course be combined with the above approach.

This sounds interesting. Can you give more insights please?

The mask can be a single channel texture, think of it as alpha only. You can then sample it and discard on that or, assuming alpha blending enabled, multiply with the alpha of your GUI texture:

color.a *= mask;

If the mask texture is anti-aliased so is the "clipping".

This approach reasonably needs a second tex-coord for the mask. Since they can be independant of the GUI tex-coords you can also rotate them. There's your rotated rectangles wink.png

IMO, it's better to do the clipping on the CPU, by adjusting the vertices and their texture coordinates accordingly. You could do this when filling/updating the vertex buffer.

Do you have to clip the child quads against their rotated parent? You'll probably need stenciling for this.

You'll probably need stenciling for this.

Stenciling will not work in my case. Please take a look at a problem description.

The mask can be a single channel texture

What is this mask? How do I get get/create it?


Mask (could be red only, here white for clarification). Create them with a paint tool of your choice.

Shader (using a full screen triangle and a custom transform for the mask tex-coords):

cbuffer Parameters
    matrix TexTransform;

void FullScreenTriangleVS(uint id : SV_VertexID,    
    out float2 tex0: TEXCOORD0,
    out float2 tex1: TEXCOORD1,
    out float4 position: SV_Position)
    tex0 = float2((id << 1) & 2, id & 2);
    position = float4(tex0 * float2(2,-2) + float2(-1,1), 0, 1);    

    tex1 = mul(float4(tex0, 0, 1), TexTransform).xy;    

SamplerState LinearSampler;
Texture2D Diffuse;
Texture2D Mask;

float4 MaskPS(float2 tex0: TEXCOORD, float2 tex1: TEXCOORD1): SV_Target
    float4 color = Diffuse.Sample(LinearSampler, tex0);
    float mask = Mask.Sample(LinearSampler, tex1).r;
    color.a *= mask;
    return color;
Demo (alpha blended on a black background, texture transform rotates and scales the mask non-uniformly):

Thank you very much. The code is very interesting, especially vertex and uv geneartion. But unfortunatelly I can't see how I can apply this technique to my case. I can't use separate mask for every element of my gui.

This was really just a mockup to show the principle (search for full screen triangle, there was also a recent thread about this here).

For a GUI/text you will use an atlas or texture array. Nothing hinders you to do the same for the mask. Then you provide tex-coords for both of these with your vertices already (TEXCOORD0 and TEXCOORD1 in your input layout).

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