C++/DirectX Game Development: Animations and Advanced Game AI

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-1 comments, last by Nandu Singh 9 years, 2 months ago


Watch video: http://goo.gl/2oTo4N

Hooked on C++/DirectX game development? It's a steep learning curve, that's for sure, but it's so worth it! Roll up your sleeves, and join experts Bryan Griffiths and Mickey MacDonald, as they explore the wow factor! Expand upon the prototype from the previous courses in the series with new gameplay, artificial intelligence (AI), and animations.

In this Jump Start training, learn to add more depth to the overall game, increase your understanding of project potential, and decide where to go from here, as you assess game features, explore testing/verification, and consider situational awareness.

[00:00:00] Getting Started
Get an introduction to the day and the topics to be covered, and take a quick look at the current state of the prototype.
- Goals for the Day
- Expanding The Game
- Picking The Right Tools
- Keeping Your Code Clean

[00:21:04] Simple Animations
Explore a starting point for animations in your game engine. These simple animations serve to “open doors” or other such simple motions, adding a new layer to your somewhat static game.
- What counts as a simple animation?
- The Animate class
- Adding an animation to an object
- Where To Take The System From Here

[00:56:44] Gameplay Expansion
Add new gameplay mechanics to the prototype to increase the diversity of challenges and tactics from fight to fight.
- More Power-Ups
- Power-Downs
- Let Enemies Get Power-Ups And Downs
- Further Extensions

[01:33:42] AI Expansion
Learn how to adapt your AI to take advantage of and respond to the new game play mechanics. Get a final wrap-up, and hear thoughts about the project.
- A review of the system
- The illusion of intelligence
- What we want from our updated behaviors

Watch video: http://goo.gl/2oTo4N

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