Planet Rendering: Spherical Level-of-Detail in less than 100 lines of C++

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17 comments, last by spacerat 7 years, 11 months ago

This is a simple tutorial of how to render planet using a triangle subdivision approach. The source is optimized for compactness and to make the algorithm easy to understand. The algorithm renders an icosahedron with 12 triangles, each of which is being sub-divided using a recursive function.

If you would render the planet in a game engine, you would have to render a triangle patch for NxN triangles with a VBO inside the draw_triangle function, rather than a single triangle with gl immediate mode.

The center of detail is where the camera would be in the game. The camera in the demo is above for demonstration purpose.

What the code is :

  • A simple demo to show how a planet renderer with subdivision works
  • As short as possible so you can experiment with the algorithm
  • Easy to understand

What the code is not:

  • A ready to use planet rendering library with shaders frustum culling etc
  • A way to render a planet with best performance
  • A demonstration of modern high performance gl rendering


struct World
    static void draw_triangle(vec3f p1, vec3f p2, vec3f p3)
        glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
        glVertex3f(p1.x, p1.y, p1.z);
        glVertex3f(p2.x, p2.y, p2.z);
        glVertex3f(p3.x, p3.y, p3.z);
        glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);
    static void draw_recursive(vec3f p1,vec3f p2,vec3f p3, vec3f center , float size=1)
        float ratio = gui.screen[0].slider["lod.ratio"].val; // default : 1
        float minsize = gui.screen[0].slider["detail"].val;  // default : 0.01
        double dot = double(((p1+p2+p3)/3).norm().dot(center));
        double dist = acos(clamp(dot, -1, 1)) / M_PI;
        if (dist > 0.5) return;//culling
        if (dist > double(ratio)*double(size) || size < minsize) 
            draw_triangle(p1, p2, p3); 
        // Recurse
        vec3f p[6] = { p1, p2, p3, (p1 + p2) / 2, (p2 + p3) / 2, (p3 + p1) / 2 };
        int idx[12] = { 0, 3, 5, 5, 3, 4, 3, 1, 4, 5, 4, 2 };
        loopi(0, 4)
                p[idx[3 * i + 0]].norm(), 
                p[idx[3 * i + 1]].norm(),
                p[idx[3 * i + 2]].norm(),
                center,size/2 );
    static void draw(vec3f center)
        // create icosahedron
        float t = (1.0 + sqrt(5.0)) / 2.0;
        std::vector<vec3f> p({ 
            { -1, t, 0 }, { 1, t, 0 }, { -1, -t, 0 }, { 1, -t, 0 },
            { 0, -1, t }, { 0, 1, t }, { 0, -1, -t }, { 0, 1, -t },
            { t, 0, -1 }, { t, 0, 1 }, { -t, 0, -1 }, { -t, 0, 1 },
        std::vector<int> idx({ 
            0, 11, 5, 0, 5, 1, 0, 1, 7, 0, 7, 10, 0, 10, 11,
            1, 5, 9, 5, 11, 4, 11, 10, 2, 10, 7, 6, 10, 7, 6, 7, 1, 8,
            3, 9, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3, 2, 6, 3, 6, 8, 3, 8, 9,
            4, 9, 5, 2, 4, 11, 6, 2, 10, 8, 6, 7, 9, 8, 1
        loopi(0, idx.size() / 3)
                p[idx[i * 3 + 0]].norm(), // triangle point 1
                p[idx[i * 3 + 1]].norm(), // triangle point 2
                p[idx[i * 3 + 2]].norm(), // triangle point 3
Interesting. Thanks for sharing this.
it's a good start, you should give it a few more iterations.

1.there is a simpler way to tessellate to a sphere, starting with a tetrahedron (4 triangles) and halving the edges of the triangles at every step.
your tessellation has the classical t-junction issue, which usually takes the most code to fix. with tetrahedrons, when you evaluate per-edge, it's actually very simple to get a closed mesh.

2.usually you would increase the tessellation at the silhouette, not at the center (but that decision probably depends on a lot of factors)

it's a good start, you should give it a few more iterations.

1.there is a simpler way to tessellate to a sphere, starting with a tetrahedron (4 triangles) and halving the edges of the triangles at every step.
your tessellation has the classical t-junction issue, which usually takes the most code to fix. with tetrahedrons, when you evaluate per-edge, it's actually very simple to get a closed mesh.

2.usually you would increase the tessellation at the silhouette, not at the center (but that decision probably depends on a lot of factors)

Good point.

1. I just changed the algorithm to icosahedron. Now its just 69 lines of code and also a bit faster. The algorithm is now working for an arbitrary triangle mesh. You could also throw a custom 3DS MAX created mesh at it basically.

2. The Tessellation is intentionally in the center. In a common game, you would be walking on the planet surface, which is the point where the highest level of detail is in the demo. The actual camera in the demo is just for demonstration purpose, to have a better overview. If you want the most detail at the silhouette, that would be possible too, but you need to modify the recursion criteria to the following:

if (fabs(0.5-dist) > double(ratio)*double(size) || size < minsize)

The result is as follows


really neat :)

you still have gaps/t-junctions, you should evaluate if the tessellation is needed on the center of the edges and based on that create triangles.
something like
uint32_t edge0 = NeedSubdivide((V0+V1)/2);
uint32_t edge1 = NeedSubdivide((V1+V2)/2);
uint32_t edge2 = NeedSubdivide((V2+V0)/2);
case 0:
//no subdivision, spit out triangle
case 1:
//the way you subdivide now
(there is a way more elegant way to solve this,I won't spoil this puzzle :) )

1. I think it doesn't work out of the box with all meshes. you need to normalize the distances to center, which limits this to sphere.
				p[idx[3 * i + 0]].norm(), 
				p[idx[3 * i + 1]].norm(),
				p[idx[3 * i + 2]].norm(),
to apply it on all meshes, something simple to get running is either bezier patches (which nicely works per patch, but is not recursive).
my old attempt (timestamp says it's from 1996 :o)
or try catmul clark, which is simple, but works always on the whole mesh (closing t-junctions works similar to the tetraheder->sphere subdivision)–Clark_subdivision_surface
that was my attempt:

2. yeah, had a feeling like it might be for planetary walking. you should make a fly-through, from space to surface, with tessellation :)

Thx for the tip :)

The edge idea was good.

Just adopted it to the code.

Your bezier and subdivision samples look nice. I wonder if its easy to make it to a recursive approach (looks like uniform subdivision in the screenshots)

For the planet thats not needed at the moment.

1. Yes, due to normalizing it does not work immediately for the current code, but you could use a displacement map and combine rendering with a tessellation shader.

2. Yes, fly though is in progress. First I needed some basic rendering code however. VBO is now already implemented and next is to find a good mapping for the heightmap to the surface. That will be another challenge to create a seamless heightmap that has same scaling all over the planet.


The new mesh now looks like the following:


Also using patches is possible right away without further meshes that fix LOD boundaries.


The new code looks like this:

static void draw_recursive(vec3f p1,vec3f p2,vec3f p3, vec3f center , float size=1)
    float ratio_size = size * gui.screen[0].slider["lod.ratio"].val; // default : 1
    float minsize = gui.screen[0].slider["detail"].val;    // default : 0.01
    vec3f edge_center[3] = { (p1 + p2) / 2, (p2 + p3) / 2, (p3 + p1) / 2 };
    bool edge_test[3]; double angle[3];
    loopi(0, 3)
        double dot = edge_center[i].dot(center);
        angle[i] = acos(clamp(dot, -1, 1)) / M_PI;
        edge_test[i] = angle[i] > ratio_size;
    if (min(angle[0], min(angle[1], angle[2])) > 0.5) return;//culling
    if ((edge_test[0] && edge_test[1] && edge_test[2]) || size < minsize)
        if (gui.screen[0].checkbox["patches"].checked)
            draw_patch(p1, p2, p3); 
            draw_triangle(p1, p2, p3);
    // Recurse
    vec3f p[6] = { p1, p2, p3, edge_center[0], edge_center[1], edge_center[2] };
    int idx[12] = { 0, 3, 5,    5, 3, 4,    3, 1, 4,    5, 4, 2 };
    bool valid[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
    if (edge_test[0]){ p[3] = p1; valid[0] = 0; } // skip triangle 0 ?
    if (edge_test[1]){ p[4] = p2; valid[2] = 0; } // skip triangle 2 ?
    if (edge_test[2]){ p[5] = p3; valid[3] = 0; } // skip triangle 3 ?
    loopi(0, 4) if (valid[i])
            p[idx[3 * i + 0]].norm(), 
            p[idx[3 * i + 1]].norm(),
            p[idx[3 * i + 2]].norm(),
            center,size/2 );

This is really cool. You've distilled the process down further than I've ever attempted :)

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Your bezier and subdivision samples look nice. I wonder if its easy to make it to a recursive approach (looks like uniform subdivision in the screenshots)

the subdivision (catmull clark) is recursive. it's used in the Reyes rendering.
it's a really elegant algorithm.

1. Yes, due to normalizing it does not work immediately for the current code, but you could use a displacement map and combine rendering with a tessellation shader.

there goes all the challenge ;)
there was a nice paper about subdivision:

Hi all,

This is exactly what i've done for my 4k intro in 2014, using the GPU. The process is roughly:

1. Allocate 10 (max number of subdivisions) vertex buffers enough to hold the maximum number of triangles per subdivision level.

2. Start with an icosahedron, i use a shader to generate it, but it could come from a static vertex buffer as well, doesn't matter.

3. Loop through the 10 buffers. Use DrawAuto to use the number of surviving vertices from the previous pass.

3a. Bind the actual one as vertex input, and the next one as stream out target.

3b. Run a geometry shader that gets 3 vertices (no indexing...), calculates lod factor on triangle EDGES, emit subdivision if all edges agree.

3c. Unbind the stream out target, so the rasterizer will receive the input

3d. Run the geometry shader in 3b again, but this time flip the condition, basically emitting the non-subdivided triangles.

Edit: You only really need to allocate 2 buffers, and pingpong between them. Obviously, the number of iterations of point 3 can be anything, not just 10, but there's a little overhead to submitting zero length draw calls, not to mention you probably won't need submillimeter detail anyway :) Another small addition: in the geometry shader, subdivision happens even if the edge middle point didn't meet the criteria, but in that case, the new vertex will be set to the first vertex of the edge. While this may sound weird, and it is indeed wasteful, it'll also make sure that the subdivision is watertight, no cracks. (4 new triangles are created, some of them may be degenerate.) Continuing subdivision only happens if all edges agree on being "dividable".

The geometry shader passes emit either 0 or 12 vertices, so it's not too bad, there's no heavy performance degradation. I'm also doing (cone based) backface culling and frustum culling in the geometry shader, but of course it's optional.

Youtube version, although it really gets messed up during the noisy parts :)


Sources, although they're not easy to read as even the shaders are heavily size optimized:

@Krypt0n: Yes, mega meshes is indeed a very nice paper. I remember that one.

@rept_ai: Very nice Demo ! I will look at the source.

Just modified the rendering. Basically it works nice, but once you go up close then float precision is not enough. What is the best solution to that other than splitting the frustum in near / far ?

Seems I need to read


Edit: The Github code is updated and now also renders a planet with fractal texture+heightmap

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