Vulkan FBX runner with inputs

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3 comments, last by Shaarigan 7 years, 11 months ago

I have several FBX animation with ready clips.

I want to write an application with inputs, like games, directly going into runtime with debug.

where it'll animate based on my inputs. Maybe also camera movement with mouse.... and image processing like GUI made of pngs

and flat texture with transparency channel.

Where should i start learning?
I know Cpp and Csharp.

But the new Vulkan is kinda, distracting.
I'm also learning how to do GLSL via Nehe.

First of all, decide what kind of display you'll want. How many meshes and what kinds of effects you want. If your main focus is just to display couple of raw meshes with simple shaders (ie your draw count will be low), you might not want to use vulkan, and just go for opengl.

The rest is straightforward for your platform of choice, get the fbx devkit, and display your data. Though the fbx api could be a mission. :) Depending on your target audience, you also might want to look into support animations from alembic. (that's more for the CG / VFX crowd though)

shaken, not stirred

I would always sugest C# for writing Tools as you dont need the power (and costs) of C++ for this. Framerates may also not be the problem in an animation tool. Also image/texture support is better using C# vs. C++ PNG libs.

You could use OpenTK for that, the OpenGL part should fit your needs where I agree to sirpalee for not using Vulkan at this topic, it is to heavy for that. You would work at least a couple of Weaks just for getting Vulkan environment 'as general' as you need it in your tool so switching to the lower learning curve of OpenGL would be the best choice here.

You simply should learn how to initialize Textures and create your Meshes via Framebuffer that should be enougth because OpenTK handles anything else from getting the Window ready to handling various kinds of Input and calculating the Math needed to upload anything to your shader.

Google for UI Tutorials, it isnt that heavy for simple ones or you create the GL context for a .Net panel and render in that and use Winforms for your UI. I made that a couple of times and it works very well because the Winform Controls can get a pointer to the handle that will be passed to context creation of GL create a render-ready context as well as using a window for that

Thanks, i'll be going for GLSL then.
What are the libraries required for it then? UI, animation, texturing, effets, math...

i found glibmath and several others... but i can't find good one for physics.

Theres only PhysX or BulletPhysics as I know for the moment

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