volume slicing

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-1 comments, last by YixunLiu 7 years, 1 month ago


I would like to do volume slicing.

I create a texture3D resource with type DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SINT.

I create a vertex buffer which defines a quad used to slice the volume.

The quad has four vertices and each vertex has two attributes: position and texture coordinate.

My question is how to specify the texture coordinate. I think there are two ways.

One way is to specify the texture coordinate in the range [0, 1]. But for a texture3D resource with type DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SINT, the sampler is not supported. So in the HLSL, I have to convert the texture coordinate from [0, 1] to an index [width, height, depth] and then use Load() to load the value.

For this way, it looks I have to use a constant buffer to store the width, height and depth for the conversion.

The other way is to specify the texture coordinate in the range of [width, height, depth], so in the HLSL, I can directly use Load().

I am not sure if these two ways work and also do not know which one is better.



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