Bugs -_-

posted in Beals Software
Published May 01, 2012
I spent the day trying to get rid of two major bugs and adding a little something I missed:

  1. Bug 1 - Pathing Issue: The pathing gets messed up when the user clicks a lot. The way I had it set up, when the user would click while the character was between two nodes, they would teleport to their destination and start moving to the next point.

  1. Status: There is no more teleporting, but there is still an issue with some of the pathing.
  • Bug 2 - After a short while, dialogue becomes unusable: There is a huge lag issue.

    1. Status: Originally I thought it had to do with the lighting, but it turns out that after a short while (about 30 seconds) of straight conversation the game starts lagging horribly. I think I tracked it down to my coroutine system (setting the coroutine arguments via Lua[path], for a single argument, is taking about 3ms. Not sure that this is the issue anymore though, as I've spent the last 4 hours or so optimizing it with no improvements. Basically the game comes to a crawl because the Game.Update method starts getting called 30 seconds per frame, but only when the actual dialogue is taking place (after you've clicked on a topic.) The lag basically just keeps growing larger and larger. [Edit] I'm pretty sure I've found the cause; with the alterations to the coroutine system to allow for arguments, I am now storing coroutine information in C#. So, a 4-5ms coroutine update is getting called 6 times after a while. Now to figure out how to fix it....tomorrow. Bed time now.[/edit]
  • Something I missed: After pathing to an object, the player doesn't face it.

    1. Status: Not sure how to go about this. I can easily get the player to face the objects when they are interacted with, but there actually is currently no way to tell that the user is just walking to an object. I might alter the pathing system to allow for different types of path nodes than just destinations.

  • So, it has been a nice, frustrating day and I am heading to bed.
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