Not dead...

455 entries
May 04, 2007
Victory is mine!
So, having made the code corrections I rebooted into WinXP x64 to test out the program, because ya know, blind coding it's at all daft [grin]

Loaded up VS, hit run and watched as it crashed.
Oh dear.

A number of errors came to light; a great stream of GLSL errors on the console was the least of my wor…
May 04, 2007
11th hour...
So, with the hand in date pending I figured it was time to bring the application together so that I could get some results to talk about... what with it kinda being the whole point of the project and all that [grin]

It was while going through the code, abstracting certain bits, pulling together othe…
May 03, 2007
20 Days...
So, it turns out I've only got 20 days of my course left; this time in 3 weeks I'll be done and then all that remains is the waiting.

Between now and then I need to finish writing up my Final Year Project (~12,000 words) to be handed in by monday 14th (so in reality I've only got until Thursday or F…
May 01, 2007
I'm on your deckz...
... sleeping off the booze....

I wish.
After a heavy night out I appear to have left come critial parts of my brain somewhere between home and town.... intresting night when all was said and done, although there is probably something daft about getting that drunk when you are limited in the amount o…
April 28, 2007
In reply to Jack...
Quote:Original post by jollyjeffers
Nothing like a little pressure, eh? [grin]

heh, indeed... work much better under pressure... also gives cooler dreams for some reason [grin]
Quote:shove in some junk about the Geo-shader unit on DX10 hardware making this more possible in the future (I'm pretty…
April 27, 2007
TLM : The final few weeks...
So, it occured to me that I was pretty much running out of time, final year project wise. My time plan had me doing the write up about now, however I've been a bit... lax.. to say the least and I've not got the code finished as yet.


So, I decided tonight to shake off the lethogy I've been feel…
April 17, 2007
Ah, progress...
Well, not from me, depression sucks and all the chemicals in my brain which keep me undepressed crashed on me last night which means right now I'm about as fun to be around as a room full of poo and full of 'meh'.

However, as I wanted to try and play Homeworld 2 on Vista today I upgraded my ATI driv…
April 12, 2007
To stave off the gods of irony I checked the spelling on 'incompetence', never helps to have your point fall over at the subject line.

This is a rant, a rant not aimed at anyone in perticular but a few people are going to get mentioned because they have caught my eye of late; don't worry guys, you a…
April 10, 2007
On GUIs... part 2

No, not an instruction to a guy working a projector but the concept in GUI terms as to where the input goes.

Let me back up as I've come in half way through my thoughts, which is pretty normal for me.

About two weeks back, before the mad dash which was my 2D Java game project's hand in date, I …
April 01, 2007
The Game is Done!
So, I missed my midnight deadline but in the end decided to add a reasonably complicated 'Instructions' screen along with a Game Over screen, giving the game a total of 4 states to swap between.

A post-mortem of sorts will follow, first I have to write the text to go with my assignment, however it's…
April 01, 2007
The game continues to be formed pt4
Most of today was spent poking at the scripting to get the game fully working.

Currently it has;
- player controlled ship
- player bullets
- spawning bouncing enemies
- enemy bullets
- animated explosions on ship death

I've also added a simple hud with score, lives and health status indicator to it [grin]…
April 01, 2007
The game continues to be formed pt3
OK, so I'm dumb.

Not in a 'duh.. wha?' kinda way but in a 'oh right, I forgot I had that working..' kinda way [grin]

In the entry written not 2h before now I bemoaned the lack of speed from the project and wondered why I could only draw ~20 sprites before things went all slow.

Turns out I'd kinda forg…
April 01, 2007
The game continues to be formed pt2
So, after many hours hacking away and a fair few of those finding errors in my Lua code I have something which is starting to look like a game now, complete with a (no rendering yet) menu screen and a spaceship which fires missiles... huzzah!

One of the main 'issues' I had during testing (once you g…
March 31, 2007
The game continues to be formed...
I'm still as yet to work out if my way of doing things is remotely sane, I've less than 48h until this has to be handed in (infact at this point on monday I'll be on route to get drunk...) and I haven't done a great deal of 'graphics' stuff.

Infact, I spent most of yesterday arsing aroung with Luaja…
March 30, 2007
On Java 2...
So, it turns out my cunningness (a) wasn't as cunning as I thought and (b) totally unrequired [grin]

I had problems getting values back from Lua to Java, it drove me mad for a while until I looked at some examples again and decided to try out another method of doing things; namely setting a global '…
March 29, 2007
On Java...
I've finally found something about Java I don't mind... which, given my general level of hostility towards the language/platform as a whole is nothing short of amazing...

However, it starts with a moan; you see I've got until monday to write a 2d graphics project using Java for an assignment. I prob…
March 24, 2007
On GUIs..
So, having spend the last 12h or so playing UT2K4 I've made very little progress on my GUI ideas, infact the most amount of work got done in my head as I went to get junk foods the other night.

The basic idea I'm knocking around is that a gui is defined by two elements;
- an XML file which describes …
March 23, 2007
TLM : ATI Driver Progress
I spent alot of yesterday ranting in various locations about how useles ATI/AMD's driver dev team were with regards to OpenGL and how I wouldn't be buying ATI/AMD hardware in future.

Part of this fuss was kicked up on the OpenGL board and after a bit of discussion and general 'grrr'-ness which can b…
March 22, 2007
MRT and GLSL : The Reply
So, having sent off my email a few hours ago I get the following reply;

You are correct, the problem with using MRTs in OpenGL is a known issue and we have no plans to fix it in our current driver. Although there is a chance that this could be implemented in a different way in our Vista driver…
March 22, 2007
TLM MRT Problem confirmed...
After discovering the problem with my TLM simulation when using MRT output I posted on to see what, if anything, I was doing wrong with my setup.

It took a few days but I finally got an answer; apprently when you change the render targets the driver recompiles ALL the shaders which you h…
March 21, 2007
You might find the entry below this one more intresting [grin](and this would have been a link but the forum software strips the values after the ?, excellent...)

My copy of Vista Ultimate turned up today; it's not in one of the cool boxes, however the front cover it pretty sweet looking (london sky…
March 21, 2007
A distraction of sorts..
So, GUIs.

Pretty common things, the problem is I don't have a great deal of love for the ones which exist, which is... ya know, a tad annoying, because that means my brain gets itchy and I find myself struck with a need to write one... bah.

Now, I do need one for my final year project, nothing overly…
March 18, 2007
TLM : Why the dot() ?
So, in reading my comments I came across this one by jjd;

Quote:Original post by jjd
Ok, I'm a little confused here about the dot function thing. I know that the two formulations are equivalent, but why create an object and use a function call to evaluate expressions that you already had in a clear, …
March 17, 2007
TLM : Some performance issues
During the developement one of the things I was someone lacking was an idea of performance, sure when you got to a 1024*1024 map the graphics card broke down and cried at me but below that while it was smooth I didn't know how fast things were going.

One thing which was bothering me was this bit of …
March 17, 2007
TLM : The project marches on
So, on tuesday I have to give a presentation which is a practise for my final year one, with this in mind I figured it would be a good idea to get my project ya know, working...

It was almost in a state of working when I left it a couple of weeks back infact, the major thing it was lacking was a dri…
March 14, 2007
Vista x64 and WMDC take 2
So, my phone was getting low on power so I decided to risk my USB subsystem and plug my phone in to recharge it.

There was the required noises of device connecting and drivers being loaded and then something happened.. something different... the 'connecting' dialogue appeared on the screen of the ph…
March 11, 2007
Vista a few days in...
So, Vista... if you hadn't already guessed I love it, I really do, the look and feel of the OS is great in general; it's been fast and responsive and generally a joy to use.

However, in the last 24h I've found my first problem; Windows Mobile Device Center.

Well, to be a bit more precise the x64 Mobi…
March 07, 2007
So, Vista...
Having installed Vista yesterday, taking out my email and current system in an extreme case of what I like to call 'stupid-dumb-lack-of-reading-itis', I've spent alot of today trying to fix a harddrive which is playing up which has mostly involved sitting at the console and watching scandisk fail t…
March 06, 2007
hehe, opps..
So, while I was in college today I happened to get a copy of Vista, both x86 and x64, it's via msdn-aa which is nice :-)

I got home and after dinner set about installing it; everything seemed to go well and good and after about 40mins I had a nice new shiney OS to play with.

First impressions are dam…
March 04, 2007
TLM : In what scientist are calling 'pretty gay'..
So, it was wednesday, I was in my pointless Java 2D lesson because I've nothing else todo with my wednesday nights and I enjoying swaning around the place like god... hey, I take the ego trips where I can alright?

At one point Andrew, my course leader type, who watches over this module, said to me '…

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