Dual Paraboloid Mapping Article

Published March 17, 2006
I submitted an article on Dual Paraboloid Mapping nearly 7 weeks ago, and haven't gotten a decent response on where it is at in the publishing process. So I decided to put it up here to at least let those that are interested check it out. You can get them here:

Effect file for generating paraboloid maps
Effect file for accessing paraboloid maps

I hope this some small amount of help to someone. Please give me whatever feedback you want, I am interested in improving the article however possible.

As to the article submission process, I hope that this article can still be put up on the main site. I really spent a lot of time and effort to write the article, and hopefully it can benefit as many people as possible.

Jason Z
0 likes 1 comments


Thanks for publishing your article, it is a good read and does a good job of achieving your goal of filling up the "back hole" that exists concerning actually implementing dual paraboloid mapping. It's well written and clear and doesn't skimp on the mathematical details - exactly the kind of style I like!

Good timing as well as in a couple of weeks I will be re-implementing some shadowing and reflection effects in my current project and this article will prove useful!


March 17, 2006 01:02 PM
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