BooGame and Sint

posted in Reminiscence
Published May 23, 2006
The Tile Studio Sint example is now implemented with BooGame. Again, thanks go to Scet for his brilliance (helped fix the flickering water). So far the Sint example is only available through SVN.

Sint via BooGame

I'm currently porting SdlDotNet.Particles to BooGame for some interesting particle effects. It would be pretty neat to add some particle effects to the Sint example. Maybe have it so that when the priest jumps, fire comes out of his feat/ass [wink].

Once the particle system is ported, I'll make another release so you can get your hands on the Sint example binary and check it out. Thank you to all who have tried it out so far. What other examples should BooGame implement?

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Quote:Once the particle system is ported, I'll make another release...
Nice.. I like particles, so I'll check it out then.
May 23, 2006 10:50 AM


May 23, 2006 12:32 PM
Pipo DeClown
Hey Rob!

I've been checking out BooGame and it's pretty amazing. Are you planning to write any tutorials for it? Or even start a Wiki so other people could write for it?

BTW, should 'BooGame.dll' not be inside 'lib' and not 'bin'?

P.S. Why make a Draw() callback in Core, if you can simply override GameState.Draw()?
June 01, 2006 04:01 AM
Rob Loach
Quote:Original post by Pipo DeClown
I've been checking out BooGame and it's pretty amazing. Are you planning to write any tutorials for it? Or even start a Wiki so other people could write for it?
I should put up a wiki for it. I didn't really think it would be worth it at the time considering the small user base (you and me) [wink]. I should write some tutorials on how to use it though. So thanks a lot for trying it out and having some interest. I've been wanting to make a platform game using it myself, considering how easy it was to put together the Sint example.

Quote:Original post by Pipo DeClown
BTW, should 'BooGame.dll' not be inside 'lib' and not 'bin'?
The lib directory is for .NET libraries that are used by BooGame. But you're right, it would be nice if BooGame.dll was in there. I've added it into Build.bat in the SVN and will be there for next release.

Quote:Original post by Pipo DeClown
P.S. Why make a Draw() callback in Core, if you can simply override GameState.Draw()?
I created the GameState system, but then needed something even easier to use that still draws no matter what GameState is being used. It's used in the BooPlayerTest:

import BooGame
import System.Drawing   

static def Draw():
    for i in range(0,20):
        x = i / 20f * Display.Width
        y = Display.Height - i / 20f * Display.Height
        Paint.Line(x, Display.Height, Display.Width, y, Color.Red)

static def Main():
    Display.WindowCaption = "BooGame - Hello World!"
    Display.ClearColor = Color.Black
    Core.Draw += Draw

Which ever way that you do it (override GameState and set Core.Game or use the Core.Draw callback), it both equates to the same thing. The good thing about the GameStates though is that you can have multiple states and manage a set of Entities (sprites).

Would you be interested in a Wiki on the site?
June 01, 2006 08:44 AM
Pipo DeClown
Why not blow it up? It seems like a pretty complete engine to me. And one of the things C# is lacking, is a good 2D engine (note: engine, not api). I hope you can add more and more functionality to make a true 2D game engine. I'm sure the userbase will follow.

So go ahead, make that wiki!
June 01, 2006 03:40 PM
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