Who's a wuzza wuzza

Published October 03, 2007
Day three of the siege.


Two big things: One, the outfitter actually has stuff in it now:Although you can't actually buy anything yet as I'm trying to think of how to tie the machine-generated buttons back to actual items.

Two, the looting stuff I said I'd do yesterday is all done -- hotkeys, etc. That's not too bad. It's just not as important as the outfitter.

Other Random Stuff

Gabe Newell said things about Apple. In my experience, his arguments are correct -- that's why most places go to port shops to handle their Mac ports. Apple has never been to a GDC, Apple is clearly not interested in realizing that game developers are different from other ISVs, and Apple will freely kill off stuff that's useful (such as Sprockets) to cut down on engineering costs.

True to form, the resulting threads on certain Apple game development mailing lists have been relatively full of comedy, with Apple engineers chipping in with their comments of how handling joysticks and keyboards through the raw HID manager is just as efficient as DInput and also wondering why they should go to GDC when game developers can just go to WWDC. [rolleyes] Several of the threads also traditionally rolled off topic into arguments about how slow Xcode's text component is, or how utterly disgusting it is that Apple forces you to write thirty lines of objective-C to set up windows and stuff before you can get your GL on.

Oh well. I still wuvs ooh, Apple.

P.S. for those of you that think game makers are simpler to use than proper programming, check out these inscrutable screenshots from the development of the sublime Space Barnacle: 1 2. Complicated!
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Damn, that test item #12 looks like it means serious business.
October 03, 2007 04:05 PM
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