Yeah, that's the wrestling name, ha!

Published February 24, 2008
So, I haven't updated my journal in approximately four or five geologic eras. This is mostly because I've been fighting with Novarunner and then self-medicating the resulting rage with other videogames.

First off, I'm not going to finish Novarunner. The basic play control is just not that much fun. Even if I added something like a plot, coherent trade systems, better user interfaces, etc, the game would still be no fun to play. I'm very glad that I managed to release something at all, but after almost a year and a half I'm really not that close to a game I can be proud of. I think I'll come back to space roleplaying later, but it certainly won't be the same kind of game.

The good part of all this is that I've been spending time working on Afterglow; I've got a minimal application up and running that uses my event and display chains, and so I should be able to have some screenshots of an actual game sooner or later. The toolkit for Afterglow is much nicer than anything I've made previously, so it should be reasonably trivial for me to add new modes, menu options, etc, in future patches. It's also got a much nicer hardware detection system than was in the original Glow, and a bunch of the Propane Injector improvements made since Novarunner was started.

So, sort of a bittersweet ending. Novarunner didn't work out, but Afterglow is something I'm really excited to be working on.

In non-gamedev related news, I'm still shopping for a car (much to the chagrin of Promit, who I keep haranguing with various questions about dealerships and warranties and what kind of ammunition to pack to drill through a sales office wall). I've narrowed it down to either a new 2008 Impreza or a 1999-2007 used Impreza (or Outback Sport). With any luck, I'll soon have a new AWD dragon sitting in my spot, making my overly-domestic neighbours stare at me in the morning.

It's nice going to a Subaru dealership, because (with some exceptions) the people working there are generally total fanboy nerds of the manufacturer. You don't get that from a Toyota Corolla, even though they sell one of those things every 35 seconds.
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I recently went car shopping, and ended up getting a Mazda 3.

With the features we were looking for MSRP'd at $19k we got for $17k.

I don't know what kind of climate you drive around in, so the 4 wheel drive of the Subaru may be more appealing, but I'd suggest looking into this car too. Also I've been very happy with my Ford Focus ZX3 2002, but that line has been discontinued (hatchback) and the 2008 Focus are over priced compared to what you used to get.

February 24, 2008 08:39 PM
One other thing. Get pre-approved through a company like Capital One so you can negotiate the car dealer down on interest rate. We got the car dealer to get us 4.49% instead of 8% because we sent them back because we had 6.0% through Capital One.
February 24, 2008 08:42 PM
Already looked at a Mazda 3, it's an extremely nice machine. It's what Promit is driving. I drove a hatch 3, loved it, and I wouldn't accept the sedan 3. Sadly, here the base hatch 3 is the same price as a reasonably equipped new Impreza. The AWD makes a huge difference in this kind of weather as well, and Subaru tends to have a better reliability rating.

I'm probably going to see if I can pay cash, but even so, 4.5% is insanely high -- the dealership is offering me 0.7%.
February 24, 2008 09:20 PM
Let me know how that goes. I am looking at the Impreza semi-wagon for my next car. Don't need a SUV, couldn't live with myself if I got a truck, but Minneapolis gets snow and I like trunk space.
February 24, 2008 10:47 PM
Quote:Original post by Telastyn
Let me know how that goes. I am looking at the Impreza semi-wagon for my next car. Don't need a SUV, couldn't live with myself if I got a truck, but Minneapolis gets snow and I like trunk space.
Go test-drive one. You'll be sold on it. It handles way better in snow than my truck did in 4x4 mode, and it handles much better on dry pavement than any number of cars I've driven, even the AWD Mazda 6/Fusion.
February 25, 2008 12:32 AM
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