Day 1: (Sat July 26th 2008)

Published July 26, 2008

I have created and tested one of the lower level constructs, using a nested set of std::pair. Basically, this is a tuple with half the fuss. I then created a wrapper around this which used the tuple as the key to an std::map. The entire thing is named SparseGrid on the suggestion of somebody on #gamedev, I forget who. (tell me, will you? you deserve some credit.) I have also written most of the system to load from AC3D and sort into a forest of octees in psudocode and done dry runs.

Drank 7 cups of tea.

Played s.t.a.l.k.e.r. for only 5 hours.

Tomorrow: Fill in the psudocode with real code, and debug.
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"Only 5 hours"?

Anyway, I'd suggest to cycle tea-coffee-99% chocolate on a weekly basis. It seemed to maximize the benefits in my case.

Also consider taking a break. If you're running your hobby, maybe 2 or 3 days off could help you in refreshing.

I'll take a mental note about this. Have fun!
July 27, 2008 07:52 AM
Seems cool, keep it up! :)
July 27, 2008 09:56 AM
Thanks for the support!

The student scene in leicester pretty much dies over the summer, and I dont have anywhere to go back to. So, I will take up rowing. There is a rowing club that uses the river Soar. Should be good exercise.
July 27, 2008 12:20 PM
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