Castle Crashers is really good

Published August 30, 2008
Ugh. I've started my first semester of college so I haven't been working on the game for awhile. I'm hoping to get back into it once I get settled into my new schedule.

I've been heavily inspired playing Castle Crashers the past few days. It's an insanely good game, and I really wish there were more like it. How about: River City Ransom, with online play, for the live arcade. I can dream, can't I?[grin]
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Looking forward to seeing more screen shots of your game. Talk more about the AI :)
September 10, 2008 09:11 PM
One thing I was thinking for the AI was to have the enemies surround the player, by having some run to the other side before attacking. Right now they kind of bunch up on one side, which is not good.

I need to get some sort of video of the game once I work on the AI some more.
September 16, 2008 07:39 PM
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