Arduino Adventures :: Day 7

Published March 07, 2010
So on my last post, benryves pointed out that I might be able to use some of the Analog input pins as Digital I/O pins. And as it turns out, he's right. I could swear I read some where that you couldn't, but I was wrong.

Well this put my design in a bit of jeopardy, not because it was wrong or wouldn't work, but just because it might be unnecessary, which would make it kinda silly.

And for a 64 LED circuit, its actually a bit overkill. Because I could hook up four 4x16 demux's and address them just fine with only 16 pins. But if I wanted anything more than 64, I would be out of luck. Since I have had plans for larger arrays all along, this made me feel a bit better about my design. But to make my self feel even better, I made my self a bunch of graphs on how my design is superior to straight demultiplexing :P
Feel Good Graph 1

(Efficiency in terms of LEDs per Input Pins increases as you add more pins)
Feel Good Graph 2

So, being softly reassured by my graphs, I turned my attention to the build.

I still needed quite a few things to manufacture the circuit board. I needed a way to drill the holes in the board. I needed a way to get the circuit design onto the board precisely, and so on. So I did some research and bought some tools! (Who doesn't love power tools!!)
My new toys!

I had read that high RPMs (around 30,000) was key to getting clean precise holes on your boards, and the Dremel 4000 has variable RPM control that can go up to 35,000 RPMs, so I should be good :D

Also, the printable Acid Resist allows me to design my circuit on the computer, and just print it out, and apply it to the board, very precisely, so that's nice.

For drill bits, all the reading I did mentioned that I would need Solid Carbide Drill bits to really drill precision holes, but they were $5 a bit! So after some quick searching I found a few on E-Bay selling military surplus ones for mmuucchh cheaper:
Solid Carbide Drill Bits

With all my new tools, I finally got around to designing the actual circuit board. And wow... I under estimated this. It was not trivial. And it's still not perfect.

First thing is, I have these two 3"x5" blank PCBs that I want to use as practice before I etch the much larger 9"x12" blank that I have. So I wanted to design a paired down version of the circuit that would fit on the smaller one. So here it is. This is the actual circuit, but it only has half the outputs that the final one will have (32 instead of 64, there will be two more 4x16 demux's in the final one). And on this one I have all the LED leads on the edge of the board since this is only for testing purposes:
Circuit Board Design

Well that's all from me for a bit. On Wednesday I'm heading to Belize for a week! Gonna romp around in the jungle for a few days :P
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Your method is generally better, yes. [smile]

I'll be very interested to see how your PCB turns out for a DIY effort. I hear good things about the toner transfer method, but using proper printable resist should be a bit more reliable. Did you route the board yourself or use an auto router (I'm guessing the former)? What software did you use? I tend to use DipTrace, as its schematic editor doesn't annoy me too much – its auto router seems quite competent.

The red tracks in your PCB design seem quite thin, whereas I generally go for thick traces (like the green ones) when doing it myself for reliability. Etching a two-layer board yourself makes you a braver man than me, good luck getting the alignment correct. [wink] Leaving (disconneted) copper islands between tracks will result in less copper that needs to be etched and may therefore prolong the life of your chemicals.

You're not wrong about tungsten carbide bits being expensive. A small pack of ten cutters would set me back £35. [sad]
March 08, 2010 06:43 AM
I used ExpressPCB to do the schematic, so all the routing is done 100% by hand :/

I'll have to check out the programs you mentioned, auto-routing sounds fantastic :D

I my self have been worrying about the double sided-ness of it all, but guess we'll just see what happens.

The FAQ for ExpressPCB mentioned to use .010" for signal traces, I thought it was a bit small, so I used .015", but that may still be small. The larger green ones are power and ground traces which they recommended be larger.
March 08, 2010 09:08 AM
Quote:The FAQ for ExpressPCB mentioned to use .010" for signal traces, I thought it was a bit small, so I used .015", but that may still be small. The larger green ones are power and ground traces which they recommended be larger.
Bear in mind that ExpressPCB are making their software available for free to sell you their PCB manufacturing services; their expensive equipment means that they'll be able to do a more accurate and reliable job than you can.
Quote:I'll have to check out the programs you mentioned, auto-routing sounds fantastic :D
I'm quite impressed with DipTrace, it's certainly less annoying to use than Eagle. [smile]
March 08, 2010 10:06 AM
Ah ya, thats what I was afraid of. Well I'll give it a go and see what kind of accuracy is possible and make modifications for the final one.
March 08, 2010 11:09 AM
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