Made it past the programming test

Published October 29, 2011
Well good news! I made it past the programming test and now I am on to the phone interview. The process ended up going a little slower then I had anticipated but Im getting closer. It has been such a fun experience and Ill keep you posted but wanted to let you all know I have almost broken into the industry.

On a different subject my android hearts game is coming a long nicely. The whole game logic is there right now the 4 AI's will play a full game against each other. Working on a couple bugs and deciding how I am going to do the gfx part. I hear there are some good android engines out there but haven't really looked into them yet. In the meantime while I make up my mind there and work on my couple bugs in the messaging system I am implementing the human player and the interaction so it can be more of a "game" then a A.I. demo lol.

Hoping to know more about my future by next friday. I would like to give a big thanks to the gamdev community, even though I haven't posted a lot you have all helped me so much in just reading the forums and the articles on the site. I owe a lot of my success to this site and hope to be a bigger contributer in the future.

P.S. for some reason spell check isnt working.


Next Entry YES!
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Congratulations of the getting over the first hurdle! The waiting is definitely the hardest part. I personally prefer the in-person interviews much more than the on the phone interviews because I rely (it turns out) a lot of the body language. But I think the best thing you can do to prepare for the phone screen is to have your notes, and resume, and whatever else all there ready to refer to. And have someone that you can scribble on.

All the best!
October 29, 2011 10:27 AM
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