Dukandia - Progress update

posted in Dukandia
Published April 11, 2012
Now if you have been following Dukandia for at the very least the past two weeks, you will know that more recently we have started to do some heavy planning and idea tossing to try and get a feel for what we expect the game to do, and how it will work. Now it is indeed this planning that is going to actually halt development for a week, possibly two. As of late I have been lucky enough to be introduced to some new concepts and such that honestly might or might not be good to introduce, and since I have a lot of things floating in my head I first want to get Dukandia for the most part fully planned out on paper as a guide to follow with very little room for change, this plan however will only serve as a guide and can change. But its of no use if I can;t actually get this done.

In replace of Dukandia Progress, I will be sharing progress on some of my other projects these include:
-File Share System (similar to that of the popular program Dropbox)
-Site redesign to welcome new name change
-New melting cube YouTube channel
-Design ideas [If my scanner starts working again (Dukandia based)]

Feel free to ask any questions on any of these or on Dukandia's situation.
1 likes 2 comments


I personally have always used a concrete design document for my projects, works every time! :)

Looking forward to seeing your File Share Program!
April 11, 2012 05:36 AM
I second this, having a solid plan is always better and will save you time in the long run. If you are strict about your design then most scope creep if not all will be eliminated. It is very easy when you don't have a plan to never complete a project because you will always get an idea on how to make it better, or want to try something else.
April 11, 2012 05:14 PM
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