The Undead Castle - Our Official Announcement

Published December 10, 2012
Well hello This is our first journal entry. Woot! Small intro before we get into our game project. We are Broken Limits Media LLC, a team of now 12 members of students of game development and design, with a common goal to make a difference in gaming. I am Allen Lambert, the owner and project manager of the team. Think of me as a jack of all trades, since I help out where I can but primarily in designs and management. We might not all be veterans, but we're all well experienced in our respective fields. We're prepared to make a great game in Unity 3D. We've just finished a game Beta called Cubicle Chimera. Check out our blog to read about the release. We're likely not going much further with CC. We've done a fair job and feel the need to move past our "get to know each other" project to move on to a real, high energy, development.

The Undead Castle is a game about a large castle/town overrun with undead, lifeless zombies. When deciding on a game to develop I presented three game concepts, all with a similar basis to gameplay mechanics, features, and style. We all landed on the Undead Castle and became really excited about building the game. I know what some of you are thinking, and yes we realize there a tons of other zombie games out there and there are plenty more to come. But, how is it any different from all of the fps games out there, or arcade style games, or any game genre? It's actually fine with us, because we know that our designs are going to present an edge. Honestly cannot reveal all the secrets here just yet, but we promise our game will be remembered and loved!

vv From our Blog vv
So Broken Limits Media is working on the Undead Castle. Undead meaning zombies and castle meaning large old structure with big bricks. Pretty obvious where we're going right? Maybe not, so here's some more. The castle you play in is a large, medieval castle/town. There should be homes, shops, a small marketplace, training grounds, tournament grounds, and other medieval structures in our castle town. But, the castle exists in a time when plague was prominent and terrifying. The player controls a servant of the Baron of our castle. When we let this servant roam about in the opening scene, the player will see the sickness and know there is something going wrong within the castle walls. The plague quickly mutates within the walls of the castle and kills the people rapidly, practically overnight. These people awaken, but not with life and not with souls. These are the undead, created by a terrible, unknown plague. So there's your story intro! Imagine a zombie survival game where you have no automatic weapons, guns, explosives, or any modern device to assist you in a zombie apocalypse. Imagine already living in a time when you're always worried about sustainable food, clothing, and even at times shelter from war, plague and other atrocities. What would you do? How would you survive? The Undead Castle will reveal the truth in your ability to adapt and survive. The game will be pretty realistic, with limited resources, only a small available inventory, un-unding waves of zombies that do not wait for you to gather yourself, and plenty more bonuses, secrets, and mysteries of the castle. You're going to be alone with all of those zombies. You might as well snoop around the Barons room for his journal. Just make sure you stick a jousting pole through his undead head before doing your scavenging in his room!

Let us know what you think of this game. It will be released in a little more than a year (no official release date yet), with plenty of updates throughout development, and an Alpha and Beta release within that years time. That lovely creature attached to this post? She's beautiful right? Linda Lagzdina, our concept artist, created that wonderful, flesh eating cutie. Linda will be generating a good feed of images like this one. She's always telling us "Oh. This is a sketch. I will clean it later." If that's a sketch imagine the finished product.

We're really excited about this game. We've done a lot of recruiting and screening for our new members. We have gone from about 5 active members to 12. We're sort of doing a Noah's arc kind of thing here. Two of every animal. Now that we've got them on the boat we need to start producing Work. We need to produce work. We're ready for the next big survival game. Are you? We plan to use to beg for funds to make this game have an edge over its edge! We're going to release it to Steam via Steam Greenlight and hopefully at minimum release it to Xbox Live Indie Games, but even better we would like to aim for Xbox Live Arcade. Releasing to Steam will not cost much, but for Xbox we will need licenses from Unity 3D which may cost a few thousand. The primary reasoning for using to attempt to raise money: Free, harmless, profitable exposure. We can upload our project concept to, hear what you think about it, get more exposure via the website, "sell" or reward Backers game related products to earn development money, and if the project is not fully funded (so we can finish it) then the money is not rewarded to us. We're excited about what can do for us in terms of exposure and financial stability.

That should do it. You now know most of our secrets. Please come to the following address so we can dispose of your brain for security purposes. We will make sure to put it to good use, as zombie food. Thank you everyone! Thanks for your support. Thanks for your time and attention to our hard working, serious, go-getting team! Please visit, and follow us at to keep up with our development. Thanks.
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Great! Glad to see you started using the Dev Journal.
December 11, 2012 04:24 PM
Thanks. I think it will be a great tool for us!
December 13, 2012 12:49 PM
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