PHP Login Page With SQL Support

posted in Code Snippets
Published March 02, 2014
This is not the best written longin page ever written, but should give you a good idea how to write your own. This code includes it's own anti injection code, and also uses it's own session IDs.

The SQL.PHP file has mechanisms for auto building tables, deleting elements from tables and outputting what you have in your tables.

Index.htmlLogin Page body { text-align:center; } ';}// End Of Declarationns if (!check("Sign_Up") and !check("Sign_In") and !check("Su_User_Name") and !check("Si_User_Name") and !isset($_COOKIE["ID"]) ){ echo "Welcome! Please sign in or sign up !
"; button("Sign_In","Sign In"); button("Sign_Up","Sign Up"); } if (check("Sign_In") ) {echo 'Please sign in here.

User Name: Password: Submit !
'; } if (check("Sign_Up") ) { echo 'Please do not use special characters.
Letters, numbers and _ allowed.
Lenght must be longer than 4 characters.

User Name: Game Name: Password: Submit !
'; } if (check("Su_User_Name") and check("Su_Game_Name") and check("Su_Password") ){ if (!verify($_POST["Su_User_Name"]) or !verify($_POST["Su_Game_Name"]) or !verify($_POST["Su_Password"]) or strlen($_POST["Su_User_Name"]) < 5 or strlen($_POST["Su_Game_Name"]) < 5 or strlen($_POST["Su_Password"]) < 5 ) { echo "

Letters, numbers and _ only. Lenght must be greater than 4 characters.

"; button("x","<-- Back"); } else{ if (test("Login_Name",$_POST["Su_User_Name"]) ){ echo "User name taken.
"; button("x","<-- Back"); } elseif(test("Game_Name",$_POST["Su_Game_Name"]) ){ echo "Game name taken.
"; button("x","<-- Back"); } else{ $x = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $x2 = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 21; $i++) { $x2 .= $x[rand(0, strlen($x) - 1)]; } mysqli_query($sql,"INSERT INTO ".$table." (Game_Name,Login_Name,Blarg,ID)VALUES('".$_POST["Su_Game_Name"]."','".$_POST["Su_User_Name"]."','" .$_POST["Su_Password"]."','".$x2."')"); echo "Account created !
"; $temp = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($sql,"SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE ID='".$x2."'") ); setcookie("ID",$temp["ID"], time()+3600); button("x","<-- Back"); } } } if (check("Si_User_Name") and check("Si_Password") ) { $tmp1 = strip($_POST["Si_User_Name"]); $tmp2 = strip($_POST["Si_Password"]); if (test("Login_Name",$tmp1) and test("Blarg",$tmp2) ){ echo "Logged in !
"; $temp = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($sql,"SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE Login_Name='".$tmp1."'") ); setcookie("ID",$temp["ID"], time()+3600); button("x","<-- Back"); } else{ echo "Bad name or password. Please try again.
"; button("x","<-- Back"); } } ?>
. Login Page
'; }}if (isset($_COOKIE["ID"])){ $result = mysqli_query($sql,"SELECT ID FROM ".$table." WHERE ID='".strip($_COOKIE["ID"])."'"); if (mysqli_fetch_array($result)){ $temp = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($sql,"SELECT Game_Name FROM ".$table." WHERE ID='".strip($_COOKIE["ID"])."'") ); echo "Welcome " . $temp["Game_Name"] . " !
"; } else{ unset($_COOKIE["ID"]); back(); }} else{ back(); }// Table Handeling if ($update){if ( mysqli_query($sql, "SELECT 1 FROM ". $table . " ") ) { $get = mysqli_query($sql, "SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $table); echo "

Existing columns

"; while ($col = mysqli_fetch_row($get)) { echo "Existing column: " .$col[0] . "
";} echo"


"; for ($x=0; $x!= count($add); $x++){ if(!mysqli_query($sql,"SELECT ". $add[$x] ." FROM ".$table . " ") ){ mysqli_query($sql,"ALTER TABLE ". $table ." ADD ".$add[$x] . " TEXT "); echo "Adding column: ". $add[$x] . "
"; }} for ($x=0; $x!= count($sub); $x++){ if(mysqli_query($sql,"SELECT ". $sub[$x] ." FROM ".$table . " ") ){ mysqli_query($sql,"ALTER TABLE " . $table . " DROP COLUMN " . $sub[$x] . " "); echo "Removing column: ". $sub[$x] . "
"; }} echo"


"; $get = mysqli_query($sql, "SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $table); echo "

Modifyed columns

"; while ($col = mysqli_fetch_row($get)) { echo "Existing column: " .$col[0] . "
"; }}else{echo "Error: Table '" . $table . "' does not exist
";} } ?>

0 likes 4 comments



I don't know PHP very well but it looks like you're missing password hashing, which is kind of critical given how many people get it wrong. It would be nice for once to have examples that actually show the right thing to do with respect to password security, and unfortunately storing passwords in plaintext isn't it. At the very least you want to run a decent KDF and ideally you will pursue PCI compliance (if the service offered is worth the trouble).

I'm sorry but I cannot upvote this, even if it is just an example on how to design login pages it is still propagating bad practices and god knows how many websites are cobbled together from just these kinds of samples.

March 03, 2014 03:56 AM

I don't know PHP very well but it looks like you're missing password hashing, which is kind of critical given how many people get it wrong. It would be nice for once to have examples that actually show the right thing to do with respect to password security, and unfortunately storing passwords in plaintext isn't it. At the very least you want to run a decent KDF and ideally you will pursue PCI compliance (if the service offered is worth the trouble).

PHP has it's own built in methods for this ...


March 03, 2014 01:20 PM

Agreed, password hashing is needed... say SHA256 hashing. With all the GPUs and bitcoin miners out there now, dictionary cracking is getting too easy, and some algorithms (MD5, SHA1?, all the older ones) have known flaws that make it even easier. Also, transmitting the password in cleartext is Very Bad... use SSL (https)... or at least use javascript to encrypt it, and a 'nonce' to prevent replay attacks. Yep, it's complicated and easy to screw up.

You're probably better off using Google/Facebook/etc login APIs... or piggyback on wordpress, phpbb, etc if you're using one of those anyway.

Also, if your site is behind a caching server, everyone will get the same $_COOKIE. There are workarounds but I think it's simpler to use AJAX and document.cookie (or localStorage) in javascript... that's what you need anyway if you deploy HTML5 games as static html like I do.

March 03, 2014 01:40 PM

You have several major errors in your code.

1. Stripping and preg_match is not enough to escape data

2. I don't see your password encryption (use PHP 5.5 or higer and use password_hash())

3. You should not directly access super globals ($_POST) you should use input filters then santize your data

4. You should move away from mysqli and use PDO with prepared statements and bind parameters

Some minor things

1. You mix your HTML and PHP way too much.

2. You don't have to concatenate your select statements (SELECT $record FROM $table WHERE column = $column is fine)

3. You should avoid using global variables.

March 23, 2014 09:38 PM
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