Stupid bit rot

Published November 06, 2014
After a couple of days of preoccupation with other things, I sat down tonight to start hacking on Epoch. I was unprepared for the bizarre puzzle that unfolded immediately after.

I had been mucking around for a little while when it came time to compile and test my changes. Everything seemed to build cleanly, and then I started the program, only to be greeted by bright red letters stating "Unsupported type for native code generation."

Mind you, this is my own error message, in my own code, which I wrote, and should remember. Needless to say, there was a rather loud WTF emitted regardless. Time to start poking around.

My usual routine when things go wrong is to binary search my changes until I pinpoint what's causing the error. So I dutifully removed a bunch of new code, rearranged some other code back to its old state, and tried again.

Unsupported type for native code generation.

Rinse, repeat, eventually get to a point where none of my changes are left. Uh... wat? So I did the only thing that makes sense: shelved my entire set of changes (thankfully Mercurial has a great shelf function) and try the code that was demonstrably working a couple of days ago.

I checked all the timestamps of the relevant files, looking for DLLs that might have accidentally been recompiled, looking for source code that might have snuck in a bogus edit or three, probing as carefully as I could for anything and everything that might be different between the known good build and today's.

After concluding that everything was in order, I confidently compiled the working program and launched it, fully expecting to see the successful execution that for fuck's sake was still showing in my terminal window from days prior.

Unsupported type for native code generation.

God. Damn. It.

Same compiler, same runtime, same libraries. Different binary output. Unfortunately I didn't think to keep a copy of the old working .EXE to compare with the new busted one, because hey, I expected the universe to play fair and obey the typical laws of physics whereby when you don't change anything it doesn't mysteriously break three fucking days later for inexplicable reasons.

Compiling a different project yields the expected results: no changes = binary, bit-for-bit identical output to what it used to produce.

Something is different between now and last week, and I have no idea what.

Out of desperation, I decide to look at the revision history on the Mercurial repository, and start rolling back changes until I find something that does work.

It takes exactly ten seconds to realize what went wrong.

I had a chunk of changes that I made late one night in between the last successful test build and now. I never did run them to make sure they worked. Oops.

Turns out, obviously, they didn't work. There's a bug in the compiler that got triggered by the changes I made that night, and that was cascading into the eventual barf that shocked me so much earlier this evening.

So that got squared away, at the expense of most of my brain power and energy for the night. I did manage to hack in support for assertions and reeaaaaallly rudimentary unit test "success" in the new runtime, but that's about all I can stomach of this mess for one night.

My general plan of attack is to slowly get the compiler test suite passing again, one test at a time. So at least now one test passes... one of nearly 100. It'll take time, but I'm still enthusiastic about the direction the project is taking, and I'm sure the heavy lifting will be over sooner than I expect.

Time to become unconscious.
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Sorry you lost a day man. At least with source control we can get to the bottom of these mysteries and keep our sanity.

November 08, 2014 05:22 AM
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