
Published July 16, 2005
So I didn't get quite where I wanted to be, but I got damn close.

I've got all the code in the server completed up to the point of actual gameplay. I've got all the protocol messages up to there finished as well. I've added callbacks for all of those commands to Torque2D and I've created the callbacks on the script side.

Basically all I have left to do is create the "Choose your character" screen, and a "new character" screen, as well as the main game screen, and just code the transitions on the torquescript side. So I have another hour or two worth of work, but it's midnight so I am going to bed.

My goal of having a moving ship in game by the end of the weekend is definately doable.
Previous Entry Whew.
Next Entry Hrmm.
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Rollin' true G status.
July 16, 2005 12:33 PM
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