a little Bling

Published August 08, 2005
I've been a bit quite about Bling! late, my deepest apologies ;)

It's been a bit slow since the vacation ended :(

It's still not finished, heck I don't even consider it out of alpha (proof of concept).

The Bling! logo is almost done, need to fix the diamonds and see what I can do about the gold. Also the play/quit text as well as the marker are obvious placeholders ;) They're gonna looked tagged I think, I'll try it anyway. (stupid tutorial link is down) But here's the main menu I'm working on:

The floor has been cut by me in GIMP since I don't have ray/rectangle detection yet, it's actually an infinite plane :P

The logo has been a loong idea, ever since I came up with the name. Now it doesn't look that hot... but the diamonds need more work and so does the background image. Ignore the ugly "play" "quit" texts of course :)

I've uploaded the game how it was by the end of july, haven't worked on it since then. As noted, it is not done yet :) I get a whopping 13fps, sometimes 20fps if I close down everything.
Download [531kb]
Player blue: Up/Down
Player red: PgUp/PgDn
(those buttons are next to each other on my lappy, easy testing!)
Moving in the opposite direction speeds up the ball and shrinks the reflection angle, moving "with the ball" slows down the ball and widens the reflection angle. Not moving does a simple bounce. Note: it's not game tweaked or anything.. just proof of concept
The collision is also hackish as well as frame time based. So there's room for improvement.
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Sweet Man! A 3D pong with shadows, lighting, and reflections; I love it!

The only problem I noticed is that the ball got stuck on the inside bounds of the paddle until it slid out and then gave the other player a point. I'm sure you've noted this already, but I thought I might throw that out there.

I had a similair problem with a 2D version of breakout that I resolved so if you want a little help, just let me know.

Anyways, for being in Alpha, it looks great man!
August 13, 2005 11:36 AM
thanx dude! =D I wish I had time to do some more optimization and add a rectangular floor.. =(

the collision is hackish, and I could resolve that problem with a bit more hacking: moving the ball in front of the paddle if it passes paddle.position.x

The game logic is just a test thing, my main concern is getting it running at a decent speed... But first I should invent a machine that creates time!
August 13, 2005 11:13 PM
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