WoW Ima take a day off more often

Published October 11, 2005
Well I didnt do any programming yesterday. I did think about the event handling system a lil bit but I think I cracked it

I just need to setup a stack/vector or something to hold all the diffrent interfaces that have events.. like menu - playgame - character and all that jazz.. But I figured out a way to hide the implmentation of SDL and still have it work well... Ima think about putting a bind system in so you can bind keys to the diffrent events.. we shall see.

I owe thanks to the event handling article. though iam not doing it the exact same many things taht have been made are modeled after what it did...
Previous Entry Ponders
Next Entry Tired. but maybe
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I'm not sure which article you read, but you've absolutely got to look at this one. It's an awesome read IMHO: Managing Game States in C++.
October 11, 2005 11:44 AM
this articale.. Clicky

thanks for that link that is pretty good
October 11, 2005 01:20 PM
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