US Goverment RPG

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158 comments, last by BerwynIrish 18 years, 10 months ago
Potential Projects The US government is awash with cash. You are in a position to devote 500 billion dollars to research in one of three areas: combating global warming, doing a manned mars mission, or cancer research. Which do you choose?

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Though I sang in my chains like the sea...

cancer research.
If cash would do any good - global warming.
Otherwise - cancer.
If I wasn't married and could take part - Mars mission.
Yeah, I'd do cancer research. Global warming I don't feel is happening (or can be prevented, e.g. as a result of our axis spinning) and a manned mission to Mars can wait.
I would choose global warming. Although cancer researchers need as much funds as possible, at least there are funds going towards it, whereas, I'm not sure how much money is being piled into global warming at present, particularly since many don't think it even exists.
Only three options? That lack of freedom is unamerican.

I want a "partially fund a next-gen console game" option.

Actualy. I think I would instate a stupid tax and tackle all three off of the increased revenue.
I'd stop treating cancer entirely, remove all warnings on cancer-causing chemicals, and let natural selection create a race of cancer-immune people.

I wouldn't need 500 billion for global warming, I'd just make SUV's require a special lisence for their owners and build a few nuclear power plants.

I woudln't spend it on the Mission to Mars, either, I'd just spread a rumor that Mars was home to a rare form of diamond that only forms in low gravity fields.

Why throw money at problems? It's unnecessary.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

Quote:Original post by Cypher19
Global warming I don't feel is happening...

That's because you're in Canada. As for the rest of us...

But that's not what I'd spend money on. Probably the cancer. That would get rid of an immediate issue, and then that would stop being a money-pit, and we can concentrate on things that are important to our future (like the Mars project).


-IVHumble Student

Quote:Original post by shmoove
Only three options? That lack of freedom is unamerican.

I want a "partially fund a next-gen console game" option.

Partially fund, with $500B - that's an expensive game, must be a 133t MMMOORPRRPRORP

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