Which pathfinding method ?

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3 comments, last by risko 19 years, 10 months ago
Hello. I am curently working on RPG and don't know which pathfinding method to use. I don't need this for player's character because it is controled by keyboard. I need it for enemy units which will attack if you are in their sight. Should I use classic A* or is there any better way to do it?
A* is fine and generally regarded as the best all-purpose algorithm. However it depends on the layout of your game. Is it tile-based? Are there lots of walls and obstacles or is it mainly open terrain? A better answer can be given if we have more details on your game world.
Game is tile-based. It is mainly open terrain - for now - but I think it will stay so forever.
I'd recommend you do the simplest a* implementation you can, and then refine it as necessary.

A* is not really a single algorithm, but a whole class of algorithms, it can be parameterised in many ways.

I'll try to use it. Thanks.

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