my 2nd game, Pong clone - check it out

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0 comments, last by lordoftools 18 years, 8 months ago
well this is my 2nd game after making my tetris clone anyway, its boring, its Pong! but please add comments if you so choose :) has some basic AI and an options menu... edit: Requires DX 9 Ponged
played your game for a short while and noticed that even on hard frequently the computer missed easy hits. At first i figured that it was just the AI and disregarded it but then i started to notice that othen the ball would be what appears to be on the paddle but not bounce off. I think that the code which tells if it hit the paddle is MINORLY flawed. Seems that the computer thinks it's within the proper bounce back boundaries but when the ball should hit it goes through.

-Lordoftools"Knowledge is not only a gift it's a responcibility."

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