'Find a band' website idea

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9 comments, last by CloudNine 18 years, 4 months ago
Lo, Just had quite a 'hawt' idea. I'm always looking for people to jam with - however, the people I know around my area seem to have a different taste in music to me (e.g. I like the Pixies, Husker Du and my friends are into Led Zeppelin etc.). I'm thinking of making a site where people sign up, give their musical interests and location (and instruments), and it's easy to find someone with the same sort of interests - you can then jam or go to gigs etc. Then, if a band is formed, it'll be easy to promote on the website itself. Trouble is a lot of people will need to sign up before it really gets going. What do you guys think? CloudNine
Don't Temp Fate..
From a quick glance, that's a site for established artists who want to get noticed.
Quote:I'm thinking of making a site where people sign up, give their musical interests and location (and instruments), and it's easy to find someone with the same sort of interests
Don't Temp Fate..
i.e. they wouldn't be established artists, and therefore wouldn't be on acidplanet. Apologies if I didn't make myself clear.
Could you do some research yourself, instead of asuming from "a quick glance".

They aren't all established artists, there are lots of singles and looking (as subtly hinted by my last post). Even though I fail to see why "established artirsts" couldn't be looking for you, if you have the musical skills they need.
Don't Temp Fate..
I don't see how acidplanet is supposed to work. I'm a lyricist, so I figured I'd post an ad saying Lyricist Avail. in Pittsburgh PA or something like that, but I don't see where there helpwanted or music personals section is. o_O

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You make a profile of yourself, and possible uploading examples of your skills.

Then you go to the forum (Artist and Song plugs) and ask for feedback and note that you are looking for people/bands who might want you onboard. It's not specifically for finding people to jam with, but it does exactly what the OP wants.

You can also go to the search feature and search for artists in your location. (Artist -> Search)
Don't Temp Fate..
I do think its a great idea for a site reguardless, I have been looking for a drummer since last year.. our band hasn't played since because of it. Probably have to wait until this fall when I am in Uni before I will get the chance to be in a band again [sad]
Quote:Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
I guess the difference there is that acidplanet seems to be geared towards something more serious than a jam session.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.

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