World, Meet Crystal Tiger

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155 comments, last by Aiursrage2k 17 years, 9 months ago
Hi everyone, I'm here to announce Project Crystal Tiger. If you have been on the Help Wanted forum lately, you've seen the post by Tylor2bcool about his new homebrew console. Well, now we're announcing it here. I'm the one who is programming the OS for it, and trust me, this is the project to watch. If you want to see our forums, go to We have details there. If you want me to post more info here, just ask.
So let me see if I understand this, you are building a console based on old PC hardware, which you then want to sell to the gaming community via the internet. So you are hoping people surfing the net on their nice PC will see the chance to buy an out of date PC to play games that arnt a match for the games they play on the PC they currently own and which they could play anyway on their PC. Blimey where do I sign up to be an investor, its going to be a killer :)

Joking aside where is the attraction for anyone to want to buy this console if/when you get it to market when they can have a way better experience with the hardware they already own?
We are selling it as an affordable competitor to both Media Centers and next-gen consoles. Those specs that he posted ARE NOT the specs of the system, that was just Tyler giving out an idea of how we were going to use PC parts. Our main advantages to the PC are cost, and the fact that all the games will be built to the specs of the console and will be able to use those abilities to the fullest. We are going to tweak all parts to squeeze the most power out for best cost and power efficiency. Also, we will allow indies and hobbiests to make their own games for it, submit them, and have it available over our games/movies/music servers. It's like the GP2X taken to a whole new level!
Quote:Original post by FullThrottle
We are selling it as an affordable competitor to both Media Centers and next-gen consoles.

I would suggest you lower your standards by about 3000% and don't try and compete with next gen with a shoe string bugget.
As for "coding" the OS, are you not using a version of unix?
I still cant see why anyone would want to buy one when they have a better PC already with support of 1000's of developers. Seems your only market is households devoid of any PC/Mac/Console.
Have you been to Flagler County? I didn't think so. Outside of Hammock, not many people can afford Xbox 360's or PS3's. Hell, half of my friends have AOL dialup still. Our console is what most people in this area would love. A media center that won't break you budget, a console with great graphics but not $300-$600, an easy to use computer that won't cost $700 to get a slow system with an apple on the side.These reasons and more are why it will sell in Palm Coast, Bunnell, and other parts of Flagler County.
If by some miracle you progress to a point that you can sell this console of yours, where are your games going to come from?
How are people going to view the games. ie what display output are they going to be using. Tv's normally give really crap displays from a pc graphic card (at the price I think your console is going to use). So these people who have low incomes, not much money to spare etc what will they use?
We are going to tweak the graphics card to offer optimal display off of standard definition TVs.
Quote:Original post by FullThrottle
We are going to tweak the graphics card to offer optimal display off of standard definition TVs.

Have you ever use a TV to view text from a pc? I though PAL was bad but NTSC is even worse.
Well all I can say is good luck, because you will need it.

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