Text input in allegro

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2 comments, last by 23yrold3yrold 17 years, 8 months ago
I am making an OGG player, but OGG isn't the problem. My problem is, getline(); doesn't seem to agree with allegro, presumably because there is no console, but I still need a way for the user to type in the song name to play it. If you have a way to scan a folder for all the files inside of it, that would help too, but I still need strings to work in allegro. Any suggestions?
It took some manual reading, but I figured out that when I call install_keyboard(); it stops all OS keyboard functions. So all I need to do is not call it until the music starts!!!


Ok, that still doesn't want to work... Can someone at least tell me what's wrong with it? (allegro and strings...)

[Edited by - Gamester3333 on August 24, 2006 5:56:00 PM]
It has been a while since using Allegro, but from what I can remember you can no longer use C/C++ input handling once calling install_keyboard();

Maybe this thread can help.

Ooooh, I missed this thread somehow. Here's a bit of code I keep in my back pocket for anytime someone asks how to handle text input in Allegro.

Here is the C version.

// edittext.c#include <allegro.h>#define BUFFERSIZE 128#define WHITE makecol(255, 255, 255)int main(){   BITMAP* buffer = NULL;   char    edittext[BUFFERSIZE];   int     caret  = 0;   /* typical Allegro initialization */   allegro_init();   install_keyboard();   set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 320, 240, 0, 0);   buffer = create_bitmap(320, 240);   do   {      if(keypressed())      {         int  newkey   = readkey();         char ASCII    = newkey & 0xff;         char scancode = newkey >> 8;         /* a character key was pressed; add it to the string */         if(ASCII >= 32 && ASCII <= 126)         {				if(caret < BUFFERSIZE - 1)				{					edittext[caret] = ASCII;					caret++;					edittext[caret] = '\0';				}         }         else if(scancode == KEY_BACKSPACE)         {            if (caret > 0) caret--;            edittext[caret] = '\0';         }      }            /* all drawing goes here */      clear(buffer);      textout(buffer, font, edittext, 0, 10, WHITE);      vline(buffer, caret * 8, 8, 18, WHITE);      blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 240);   }   while(!key[KEY_ESC]);      destroy_bitmap(buffer);   return 0;}END_OF_MAIN()

Here is the C++ version.

// edittext.cpp#include <allegro.h>#include <string>using namespace std;#define WHITE makecol(255, 255, 255)int main(){   // typical Allegro initialization   allegro_init();   install_keyboard();   set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 320, 240, 0, 0);   // all variables are here   BITMAP* buffer = create_bitmap(320, 240); // initialize the double buffer   string  edittext;                         // an empty string for editting   string::iterator iter = edittext.begin(); // string iterator   int     caret  = 0;                       // tracks the text caret   bool    insert = true;                    // true if text should be inserted      // the game loop   do   {      while(keypressed())      {         int  newkey   = readkey();         char ASCII    = newkey & 0xff;         char scancode = newkey >> 8;         // a character key was pressed; add it to the string         if(ASCII >= 32 && ASCII <= 126)         {            // add the new char, inserting or replacing as need be            if(insert || iter == edittext.end())               iter = edittext.insert(iter, ASCII);            else               edittext.replace(caret, 1, 1, ASCII);            // increment both the caret and the iterator            caret++;            iter++;         }         // some other, "special" key was pressed; handle it here         else            switch(scancode)            {               case KEY_DEL:                  if(iter != edittext.end()) iter = edittext.erase(iter);               break;               case KEY_BACKSPACE:                  if(iter != edittext.begin())                  {                     caret--;                     iter--;                     iter = edittext.erase(iter);                  }               break;                           case KEY_RIGHT:                  if(iter != edittext.end())   caret++, iter++;               break;                           case KEY_LEFT:                  if(iter != edittext.begin()) caret--, iter--;               break;                           case KEY_INSERT:                  insert = !insert;               break;               default:               break;            }      }            // clear screen      clear(buffer);      // output the string to the screen      textout(buffer, font, edittext.c_str(), 0, 10, WHITE);      // output some stats using Allegro's printf functions      textprintf(buffer, font,  0, 20, WHITE, "length:   %d", edittext.length());      textprintf(buffer, font,  0, 30, WHITE, "capacity: %d", edittext.capacity());      textprintf(buffer, font,  0, 40, WHITE, "empty?:   %d", edittext.empty());      if(insert)         textout(buffer, font, "Inserting", 0, 50, WHITE);      else         textout(buffer, font, "Replacing", 0, 50, WHITE);      // draw the caret      vline(buffer, caret * 8, 8, 18, WHITE);      // blit to screen      blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 240);   }while(!key[KEY_ESC]); // end of game loop      // clean up   destroy_bitmap(buffer);   set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0);      return 0;}END_OF_MAIN()


Jesus saves ... the rest of you take 2d4 fire damage.

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