DirectX in Scheme

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3 comments, last by cannonicus 17 years, 6 months ago
Hello Im working on a school project in the language scheme, and im thinking about doing some nice graphics application (a simple game). Are there any wrappers for the DirectX API or other ways of using hardware accelerated graphics efficiently? //Emil
Emil Jonssonvild
If that's a joke, I must thank you. :)
If not, I guess they want you to use the graphics package (I don't remember how's called). I hardly believe there's a way to do this. Yes, I know how does it feel. Sad. :(

If you need to plot a few lines, I guess I could find something on my HD but a whole "game" is a different story.

Previously "Krohm"

There are no scheme bindings for DirectX. DirectX can be used from C, but writing a wrapper for DirectX (or a subset) is no trivial task. It'll take more than the time alotted for the project, most probably.

There might be OpenGL bindings available for Scheme. An initial quick search came up with nothing, but I'd go that way if I were you, since OpenGL has better chances in having an already available binding.

The NeHe site has Scheme bindings for some of the early lessons like lesson 1. The readme says:
This distribution is a collection of Jeff Molofee's excellent OpenGL tutorials ported to Scheme.
It is distributed source-only for the sake of portability.
You will need DrScheme version 205 along with SGL and MrEd in order to run these programs;
all of these can be found at

Hope that helps.
Thanks alot! Its not DirectX, but OpenGl is close enough.

And yes they want me to use the graphics package, but ive got the impression that its mostly aimed towards gui applications, not actual games (like gdi). Since ive also worked with directx in c++ i figured that if it was possible in scheme, why not.

Emil Jonssonvild

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