Moving projects between repositories

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0 comments, last by Paulius Maruska 17 years, 3 months ago
Hello, At the company I'm working at they didn't have any version control. So I installed SVN on my local computer and was using TortoiseSVN. Today we finally installed it on the server so we're moving our projects to the repository there. The problem is: how do I move my projects from my local repository to the one on the server and keep all the history data? All I've found is dumping and migrating a whole repository, but that's not what I want to do. I have two projects, I want them on the server repository - with my file history. Anyone know how to do this?.. Cheers
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On your machine.
Run command:
svnadmin dump [path_to_projects_svn_repository] --incremental -q > project.dump

This will create incremental dump file.

Now, upload this file to your server.
Create the new repository:
svnadmin create [project_name] [directory]

Now, all you have to do, is load the dump file into your new repository:
svnadmin load [directory]/[project_name] < [path_to_dump_file]

At this point, you all history of the project should be imported...

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