Where do you prefer to buy your used video games?

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3 comments, last by Rixter 17 years ago
Where do you prefer to buy your used video games? I like to buy psx and ps2 games, so, for me, ebay is usually the best option. It's great when I buy an old RPG that I have yet to play. Heck, it's even great to play through an RPG that I have beaten before. But there’s one problem with ebay (and most other used game stores): The games I buy don't always work from beginning to end, even when they're guaranteed. I guess it boils down to the old saying, "You get what you pay for". At least old video games are less expensive than they were when they first came out (of course, that’s not always a positive thing). There are still some unopened games available at places like half.com and amazon.com, but they’re quite expensive. So what I’ve resorted to is looking for ‘like new’ and ‘mint’ items on ebay. The rewards far outweigh the cost. So allow me to reiterate my first question, “Where do you prefer to buy your used video games?” [Edited by - anothrguitarist on May 29, 2007 11:02:06 PM]
--------------------Enigmatic Coding
I don't eBay for used games. It's practically a racket there. People drop the price a ton, but in reality they've just shifted it all to the shipping cost so when you find out the game doesn't work they can refuse to refund the bulk of what you paid.

It is great for new, factory sealed stuff though. I just ordered Kingdom Hearts I & II + Beyond Good & Evil for $60CDN today, all new copies (shipping + insurance included).

So as far as used stuff goes its just EB for me, even though they have shitty prices. You still get a little bit of a discount (especially with their card) and you can bring the games back if they don't work.
_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
Quote:Original post by LockePick
I don't eBay for used games. It's practically a racket there. People drop the price a ton, but in reality they've just shifted it all to the shipping cost so when you find out the game doesn't work they can refuse to refund the bulk of what you paid.

It is great for new, factory sealed stuff though. I just ordered Kingdom Hearts I & II + Beyond Good & Evil for $60CDN today, all new copies (shipping + insurance included).

So as far as used stuff goes its just EB for me, even though they have shitty prices. You still get a little bit of a discount (especially with their card) and you can bring the games back if they don't work.

Thanks for your input.

I went into my local GameStop the other day looking for Lunar: Silver Star Story, but they didn't have it. The sad thing was that they didn't have any game I asked for. And then came a truly devastating blow. The employee said, "We're no longer taking psx games because we can't sell them." My heart sank, and I was in shock from the news.

I wanted to tell the employee that people like myself still play PlayStation games. All they really need to do is organize the games either by title or genre. The psx section was in shambles, but I think if they had a greater variety of role playing games, they would sell quickly. Perhaps eBay has something to do with the cessation of EB's 'vintage' game sales... Like you said ebay's prices do beat EB.

But in the end I bought Xenosaga (from ebay since GameStop didn't have a copy), so everything turned out o.k.

On the subject of eBay, it is terrible that sellers hike up the shipping costs! Luckily eBay now lists the shipping next to the price, yet some sellers still omit that information. Sellers that do that are sneaky, and I don't even look at their auction.

On a lighter note, you know what I really enjoy? When companies like Square-Enix release remakes of classics (it's not always the same game, but the updates are usually good). It'd be great if they remade FF VII. Wait -- has the tech demo for the PS3 evolved into a full fledged remake :)?

Of course, some remakes are made available to download (On wii right?). But they take up hard drive space and you can't bring your game to a friends house...

I wonder if there are some full fledged electronics boutique stores that carry old classics... If I recall, there are some bigger EB stores out there...
--------------------Enigmatic Coding
Sometimes your best bet is to forget those big chains and think small. Some of those little single store "chains" are great for finding older harder to find games.
I'm a big fan of the good ol' fashion used game stores. GameStop is ok, but mostly good for newer stuff. Recently a new game store opened up near the local best buy, and they're basically the only place in town with a good selection of NES and SNES games, it's awesome. I use ebay for the hard to find cartridge games though.

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