A survey on game match broadcasts

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8 comments, last by Seriema 16 years, 11 months ago
Hi guys! I've made a survey on game match broadcasts to find out more about what gamers want to see when spectating a match in computer games. Click Here to take survey (Edit: Closed!) Also, if it's possible, please answer any of these questions about the survey: 1) How much time did it take to finish the questionnaire? 2) Are the instructions clear and easy to understand? 3) Are there any questions that are hard to understand or could be interpreted in several ways? 4) Where there any questions you didn't want to answer? 5) Do you feel an important question was left out? 6) How did you feel about the layout? 7) Other comments and opinions. I'll post some trivia from the answers later this weekend. ;) Thanks guys! [Edited by - Seriema on June 11, 2007 4:40:56 AM]
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It took maybe 3-4 minutes. The questions were clear enough.

I didn't answer the question at page 5-6 or where it was about "doing something to do something to the audience" mostly as I either didn't understand the question or because I haven't been playing a match that was either broadcast or seen later on by any other than myself :)

Layout was fine
Thank you for answering!

That question is very important but also the one I've had most problems with... What I'm trying to find out is: if there's some specific action (like headshot or knifing a enemy squad leader) that the audience (online chat or live) seemed to enjoy the most.

Possible rephrase: "Is there an action that you enjoy performing for anyone watching the match?"
How's that?
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I think that's better. Is it implied anywhere that, that question is directed at players whose match has been broadcasted or reviewed? You could guess that ofcourse, but in the context where I took the survey it was confusing.

As I mostly watch CoD2 games, the most used attention-bringing thing to do is simply showing of a great display of skill. Like throwing multi-kill nades, longdistance pistoling, bashing, etc.
In conclusion: Humiliation of/Humiliating one of the parttakers in a multiplayer match is one of the things I enjoy in CoD2 :)
Completed. Not a massive fan of broadcasted games, but I can see the entertainment values in them, especially when it's really competitive (CPL, ect...).

Spectated a few Guild Wars games when idle, even though most of the time they are relatively boring, but it's so easy and hassle free to do. Many players argue observer mode removes some of the magic of the game, since it gives away tactics and player / team builds, but it's more a beneficial as a whole for the community.

In GW observer mode, you get to browse through games to watch, it's based on guild ranks so you see the top of the crop battling it out, they are replayable, big sponsored tournament games are kept in the servers for a while, and lots of other goodies. It's really well done. It can even be run as a continuous automated 'demo'. If this was integrated to the level of the same quality within other games more suited to my kind of stuff (Counterstrike:Source, tactical shouters...), I would be pretty interested in watching them. I do not care for commentators, in GW, you have the observer chat to comment on the game unfolding, and that's plenty enough.

Everything is better with Metal.

Done. I never spectate.

You were missing quite a few games; I used to do rolling matches with the rest of my group on Tribes not that long ago, and we had some hilariously elaborate plans that actually worked in TF for QuakeWorld.
Thanks for the answers! Keep them coming! (Closed!)

JSoftware: I've updated the question. Thank you for the help! I've added a description to the page about pro-gaming where you found that question. Would this description helped? "Because you have experience from clan competitive leagues there are some specific questions about your experience."

oliii: Yes, as with any sport I prefer playing than watching but the entertainment value for other people is undeniable. Guild Wars huh? Haven't even thought about that as a spectator game. Have you had any experience with WoW in that aspect? I'm a bit reluctant to add it into the games I've listed as it could create a whole new scope of games. Have you tried out HLTV in CS:S? You just browse broadcasted matches as you would browse any other game to join. The observer chat in GW seems like something to look into though.

Ravya: I've added both Tribes and Team Fortress now. I tried to keep the list concentrated on FPS team games but added a few outside of that due to popular demand. Have I forgotten any other game that might be interesting? I suspect you meant Tribes 2 when you mentioned Tribes?

[Edited by - Seriema on June 11, 2007 4:34:54 AM]
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That would most likely help.

And just FYI, I checked Call of Duty but I meant Call of Duty 2. I don't think anyone plays CoD1 anymore, while the CoD2 community is large
Quote:Original post by Seriema
I suspect you meant Tribes 2 when you mentioned Tribes?
No? By the time Tribes 2 came out my excitement for the game had waned. Tribes 2, I dunno, took something from the experience.
I've closed the survey now, thanks for the input!

And here's some weird trivia as an reward. ^^ (just a proof of how missleading statistics can be)
* The oldest person on Gamedev.net is 31, the youngest is 16.
* 95% of Gamedev.net are male, but with uncertainty (lies, miss-clicks, etc) the conclusion is that there are no women here or everyone's a bunch of liars.
* There is someone from a ubscure country that's not listed.
* No one really, really likes watching trailers and teasers.
* There's such a word as "entertainful".
* There's a correlation between young people and Denmark.
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