Lua with C++

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2 comments, last by Funkapotamus 16 years, 10 months ago
I need a code, using Lua5.1.2 that allows me to load a Lua file and print the name of all the functions that have the document. Please any people that have an example or tutorial send It to me because I have not been able to make an example that loads lua and execute it correctly using the latest libraries.
have you tried something like print funcs

im bad:)
I need a complete example, you don't have some full example from the creation of the lua_state?
What does "print the name of all the functions that have the document" mean?
Can you rephrase the question?

Are you looking for a simple hello world tutorial for newer lua versions? It's pretty simple:

// 5.1 setuplua_State* lua = luaL_newstate(); 	luaL_openlibs(lua);					// open filechar* file = "test.lua";luaL_loadfile(lua, file);// executelua_pcall (lua, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);// closelua_close(lua);

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