The True Sequel - A Post Apocalyptic RPG

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4 comments, last by wolf2801 16 years, 10 months ago
Team name: Fallout Fans Project name: True Sequel Project Brief description: We are a group of highly dedicated Fallout fans that believe the up and coming Fallout 3, created by Bethesda, should not be a FPS game. We would like to create a “spiritual successor” to the Fallout series that remains true to its origins. While the game may be based in Europe, we believe that this can still be achieved. We are aiming to create this game with a 3d based engine, where the player has a top-down view. However, we are still considering a 2D engine with and isometric view, as we are still in our early deciding stages. The game would be turn based game, possibly using action points similar to the original Fallout series. Target aim: We plan to keep this a freeware game, a project of this size is expected to take at least a couple of years and paying everybody involved (active and inactive) would be too much. We are currently seeking students that want experience and something to add to their resume, as well as hobby programmers / artists. Compensation: As of now there will be no compensation…we can only offer experience. We may ask for donations at a later time, but do not count on this. Technology: We're planning to use an existant 3D open source engine such as crystal. However, FIFE or something similar may be used. Talent needed: Artists – 3D art, concept artists Programmers – Has experience working with 3D / 2D engines Team structure: We're in the very early stages of this project as we've just started, but you can see our current team here. Website: Our Website Contacts: Email: Forum: AIM: jgwolfgram IRC: #falloutfans Previous Work by Team: We are a very newly formed, yet highly motivated team, if you want some experience under your belt – this is the place to be. Additional Info: We’ve got a working storyline, still in progress here if you’d like to see it. Feedback: I’d like to get as much feedback as possible. If you dont want to join but are interested in our project, any advice would also be welcome.
are you planning on attempting to acquire rights to actually make a Fallout game? Do you have the capital to even dream of pursuing said rights? How closely will you follow the older Fallout template?

I'm just curious if you have contemplated the legality of your project.
Quote:Original post by DEhrman
are you planning on attempting to acquire rights to actually make a Fallout game? Do you have the capital to even dream of pursuing said rights? How closely will you follow the older Fallout template?

I'm just curious if you have contemplated the legality of your project.

We are not planning on aquiring the rights to Fallout. For this reason our storyline will most likely be in Europe, and the game will stay as far away from it as possible. We will not use the same names (pipboy, vault-tec etc..), locations, or people. We will make an attempt to stay close to the Fallout time line, however there's not much info about the EU in either of the original games so we should be safe. Our story will be very original, if this means staying away from Fallouts "Super Mutants" - then that is what we will do. If there is a concern, you can see our current legal discussion here.

Also, links in my original post have been fixed, so if you were having a problem before, please refresh.
... so you're not going for the "sequil" look, you're going for the "bad imitation" look or maybe the "we couldn't come up with any other ideas so we just ripped off fallout" look
---------------------------------------- There's a steering wheel in my pants and it's drivin me nuts
i think you guys should rethink your strategy, you want to make the "true sequel" to Fallout, but your game will not have anything in common with Fallout? (story, locations, names, items) That's not really a true sequel ;)
Quote:Original post by Cryo_
i think you guys should rethink your strategy, you want to make the "true sequel" to Fallout, but your game will not have anything in common with Fallout? (story, locations, names, items) That's not really a true sequel ;)

We went with that team name because it fits. None of us liked the fact that Bethesda is turning Fallout 3 into a FPS, so we'd like something that stays closer to what our definition of "Fallout" is. I'm sure Bethesda's Fallout 3 will be a great game, but its nothing what any of our group envisioned. Technically it'd be a "threequel"...but it just doesnt sound as good.

Anyways, we're planning on working with the same timeline as the original Fallout series, while attempting to avoid legal issues - which is why the best location may be somewhere in Europe. We will still give the player the post-apocalyptic feel that was seen in the previous games. The dialog tree, dark sence of humor, random encounters, freedom of travel, choice between good and evil...there are still many great features of the original games we can implement into our game - without having to worry about legal issues. We may not be able to see what happens to the Vault Dweller in the original series...but arent you curious to see what happened to the rest of the world in those dark times? A lot of us are, hopefully we can come up with something that will really find peoples interest.


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