[SDL] Creating a child window...

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3 comments, last by Bozemoto 15 years, 5 months ago
Hey everyone, I was curious if it was possible to make another window inside of the screen. Making the screen the root, and the other window the child. What I mean is something like this: ROOT -> READ USER INPUT -> IF PRESSES W -> SHOW NEW WINDOW Which should translate to something like SDL_Surface *screen -> SDL_PollEvent(&event) -> SDLK_w -> NewWindowRunning = true Thanks!
Yes if you are using SDL there is no reasy way to do it thoufh, what you could do is have an image whic you apply the surfaces to just before you bilt the screen.

Be like water my friend.

Video Game Programmer.
5 years in industry.

Uhm, any other available help? The above post didn't really help.. at all. Nor did I think it's even an actual answer (no offense net-ninja). Thanks :(.
The simple answer is no. SDL does not provide a GUI system. You can however create a window by placing the content of the window into a surface, and then blitting it to the screen (with some kind of border), which is what net-ninja was saying. It would be easier to just use a GUI toolkit that integrates with SDL (I know of GuiChan, but google will find more).
None taken :D
Though my spelling is a mess. Correction time!

Video Game Programmer.
5 years in industry.

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