Artist / Engineer User Interface pipelines

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-1 comments, last by 15 years, 3 months ago
Hi All, I haven't posted here for a while. Since my last post I got a job in the games industry as a User Interface Artist and I'm now at my second company. There seems to be a reoccurring problem that comes up on every team I'm on and that's who should be building the actual user interface files that get used in the final game and who should be adding the code. I'm hoping some of you have industry experience and can advise me. The best solution I ever saw was on my first team. The UI artist made a previz in whatever tool he liked, Flash or After Effects and got it approved by the art director. Once approved he showed it to the software engineer who went away and re-built it in Flash the way the engineer wanted it constructed only with placeholder graphics. The artist checked it would do what he needed and then added in his graphics. Its about a 50 50 split in workload, we had two artists and two engineers making screens. The advantage of this was that the artist got to work unrestricted at the previz creative stage and the engineer got to build the files the way he wanted it to be structured in game. Subsequent to that team, I've seen disagreement between artists and engineers on every team over who should be building what. Artists seem to think its the job of engineers to add all code leaving them free to design and engineers seem to think its the job of artists to learn to add the code freeing them to do more high level software development. My current company is a big improvement but again I'm being asked by my front end engineer to build the files that get used in game which means I have to focus on construction and not design. He doesn't want me to use actionscript for animation as he says it makes it difficult for him later. Once he's integrated any file I've supplied, the simple actionscript I wrote for animation is edited and I either can't understand the changes or lose half a day trying to understand it. Does any of this sound familiar to any of you?

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