Finally: Stephen King's Dark Tower to be adapted for the screen...

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3 comments, last by AndreTheGiant 13 years, 8 months ago
Apparently Stephen King's Dark Tower series is going to be adapted into a film/TV mashup:

(The news came out in April? Where the heck have I been...)

I love this book series tremendously. The first three books are absolutely phenomenal in terms of the big picture story, as well as the style of writing used to tell it. The hardcover versions also came with some full-colour artwork by some very talented artists. Dave McKeen (a lifelong collaborator with Neil Gaiman) did the artwork for the fourth book.

I've always dreaded the thought of an adaptation. However, now that I see who's behind it (Ron Howard), and with today's CGI capabilities, I think they might be able to do a pretty good job. I cannot wait to see the chock-a-dees!!

This book series can be summed up in a single phrase: "WTF?!?!?!". It's really that messed up. :)
Hey I read that series too! It was a while back but I really enjoyed it. What was it again? Like 7 or 8 1000 page books? And he wrote them over a period of like 20 years so you can really see his writing style and ideas change... yet he manages to maintain a few central themes.

Actually an extremely high percentage of King's writings end up as movies or tv, and a lot of them are really crappy quality. There are a few books of his that were also later made into film, and the films were so shitty that not I'm embarassed to tell people that I read the book because they dont understand how much better the book is.

Anyway I'm sure (I hope) he doesnt let this one get butchered on film because its one of his biggest accomplishments.

I always pictured Clint Eastwood as Roland but obviously hes a little too old now. I hope they find someone of that caliber.
I've read the first book, and have the 2nd sitting on my desk. I don't have as much time to read now that I did before but the first book was interesting. A good friend of mine has read a lot of the series and loves it. I may have to at least read the first 3 pretty soon.

Book trilogies that are made into movie trilogies scares me sometimes. I think my favorite book series, The Legend of Drizzt, would make a badass movie series, but I don't really want to see it happen because I don't think it could be pulled off in a way to reflect the books. Hopefully they don't screw this one up...
Quote:Original post by AndreTheGiant

Definitely Eastwood would have been perfect 20 years ago.

I'm thinking maybe... Viggo Mortensen or Jackie Earle Haley (the dude does have a black belt, so he's a legit badass)?
If its not Eastwood, then I hope they find an unknown instead.

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