So who is still around these days?

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85 comments, last by Smeagol 12 years, 7 months ago

Hey, long time no see! I'm not on nearly as often as I used to be, but I still like to pop on and browse a bit.

Zerowolf! Awesome to see you're still around :D

It is crazy when I think how long some of us have been on here. I joined these forums 9 years ago! Since then I've gotten my degree, gotten married, had two kids, and spent over 4 years working in the game industry :/

I know what you mean. I was just going back through some of the old Gdnet comics and remembering times of lore. Remember the billion page long posts from Wavinator? Mittens the moderator? Who was it that was moving to a place with no internet just before Valve announced you need an internet connection for Half Life 2? I forgot his name but he made Polypaint.

Oh my god remember Polypaint!?

Married, two kids and a sweet job? It's nice to hear things are going great :)

Your comic is practically part of the 'legends of old'!

That's a worrying thought XD

I was reading them again and forgot just how many of those things I actually did. I must have had more time back then :P

What is up in the world of Boolean?

Still in Toronto, working as a web developer by day. I'm keeping myself busy in the evenings by working on a few websites and browser games for fun.
Wow I never knew GDNET was so close. I wouldn't know you since I'm relatively new and I just lurk a lot. Plus I probably would have been doing other stuff back then like learning to read.
boolean / fablefox i remember you guys =]
"a low level aho master like you couldn't kill me even if I let you"
I (CoffeeMug/kill - man that was a long time ago) haven't signed in in years, though I've been occasionally typing into the address bar recently. Hi!
I'm not around any more, but some strange compulsion caused me to wander back here tonight. I first registered to participate in the MP3-beating compression thread. It was thanks to the GDNet lounge that I discovered that there were still creationists around and that a whole segment of society viewed Microsoft as the ultimate evil.

I was once briefly allowed to be a moderator here, but I think Dave came to view that as an error of judgement (on the part of the person who nominated me), mainly because I allowed friends of mine to use my account and they started deleting threads for the thrill of it.

I no longer harbour dreams of becoming a game developer, after realising that I did not actually enjoy programming so much when it was all I had to do and without being able to direct what I was doing myself.

I am moving from England to the Netherlands soon.

That is all.

I forgot his name but he made Polypaint.

Oh my god remember Polypaint!?

Smart Idiot made polypaint. And, yes, yes I do remember polypaint. I remember you were on it a lot, actually.. check it out.

Polypaint was one of the most awesome things to come out of GDNet ever. I'm sad nobody made a deviant-art style polypaint community.

I have "played" some HTML5-based polypaint clones since, but none of them were quite as good as polypaint was over five years ago!

Smart Idiot made polypaint. And, yes, yes I do remember polypaint. I remember you were on it a lot, actually.. check it out.

Related polypaint comeback thread. It was beyond awesome, and I actually remember some of those drawings! :)
woooahhh Furby!! Hello!

This thread is pretty awesome. I say pretty awesome and not totally awesome cause it's makin me feel kinda old, haha

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

im still around, posting less than I did though never much in the lounge
Wow, this is nostalgia-town. All this needs is for bishop_pass to show up out of nowhere, and we'll be transported back to the early 2000s. smile.gif

The site is so modern now. I think I preferred the dark theme.
“[The clergy] believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly: for I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man” - Thomas Jefferson

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