New Google+ event calendar

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-1 comments, last by Mathew Anderson 10 years, 11 months ago
We haven't updated the community on our progress in awhile, so I wanted to share a few cool new things that we've developed in the past few months.

The first being a new Google+ calendar, and redesign to our homepage calendar. See here:

We also redesigned the front page to provide a more welcome explanatory format of the site:

We're also reaching out to a lot more events to partner with them to provide you with discount codes and other exclusives when attending.

And we need more help! The great thing about Events For Gamers is it provides some unique avenues for editorial exposure, marketing outreach, and other opportunities if you are interested in getting more into the industry.

Please contact us at if you want to participate in some way. Thanks in advance!

Mathew Anderson
Community Manager

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