3D Sound click and hurtle from near

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-1 comments, last by GeorgeV 21 years, 10 months ago
I set 3D sound. It works fine, but if the listener go to the near sound buffer position the 3D sound begin hurtle, with various sound (wav) too. The 3D sound from 70 point distance (between the listener and sound buffer) is good, but from 10 point distance the 3D sound is begin hurtle. The sound and listener position are refresh 10 times / sec. I make two sample "avi" file: www.niara.kft.hu/sound3d_1.avi (2Mb) and www.niara.kft.hu/sound3d_2.avi (1Mb). If I increase velocity the 3D sound make hurtle from near. If I refresh the listener and the sound buffer position 4 times / sec (not 10 times / sec)the hurtle is sparse. I use DirectX 8.1. Thanks: George Varga

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