Random Maps

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1 comment, last by xdinos 24 years, 1 month ago
Could anyone tell me how i can create random maps like aoe2? Or when i can find docs about fractals? Thanks in advance.
I recently posed a similar question though I''ve been looking more in generating height maps for 3d iso engine. Anyhow, someone was kind enough to post a nice link for me:


It discusses Perlin Noise, which is based a fractals. There are some good links and the discussion alone on this page give me a good starting place to come up with some interesting stuff. Hope it helps!

Yeah, Perlin Noise would be nice for this, but you would have to simplify this algorithm. Maybe make it produce only 3 different values for 3 different heights and where those heights change, let''s say from water to land, you''ll have to set another tile. It''s not that complicated but much typing to do.

A nice book on fractals and procedural textures is "Texturing & Modelling : A Procedural Approach".


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Skullpture Entertainment
Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainmenthttp://www.skullpture.de

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