3d world with 2d clicks

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0 comments, last by risingdragon3 24 years, 1 month ago
Hi! How do I get a 2d click via DirectInput into a 3d ray as in D3D? I have the 3d position+3d rotation (xrot,yrot,zrot). Also how do I draw a ''box'' as in Homeworld, Warzone 2100, other 3d strats, etc. Finally, how do I check that the 3dray has ''clicked'' on a object? I am thinking of working out the distance between the ray and the object, if it is less then a amount set in the objects file, it has clicked, or else not. Any ideas? thx in advance.
Look through eariler posts. I remember posting something about drawing a mouse instead of getting input from the mouse. There is something better than distances in that post.

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