A trip to the music store... wish me luck!

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4 comments, last by MatrixCubed 21 years, 9 months ago
Going to buy a classical guitar today, because I don''t own one (and because I want to record some cool stuff with it). Of course, walking into an instrument store, for me, is like taking a kid to Toys ''R'' Us (or taking your dad to a home improvement center). Don''t know if I''ll survive this one, because I actually have cash to spend... MatrixCubed
or like going to fry''s?
its like compusa/ bestbuy/ circuit city/ starbucks/ radio shack in one.
quote:Original post by MatrixCubed
Of course, walking into an instrument store, for me, is like taking a kid to Toys ''R'' Us (or taking your dad to a home improvement center).
I know what you mean! I can''t spend less than 2 hours in a music store. What are you recording? New album? Game music? Experimenting with different sounds?
Ug. The only way I can survive going to Guitar Center is to bring the EXACT amount of money I need; no credit cards, no check book. Even then I spend a minimum of three hours there. I can walk in and out of Frys with no problem, but once I go into a place with demo instruments that I can sit down and play, I''m a goner.

Wyrmwood Sound
Well, I have always played neoclassical metal and thrash, but recently have become interested in learning classical style and techniques of playing.

Of course, I will be recording what I compose; I''ll be adding to the Sounds & Music section of my site soon enough.


Here we go... went to Intercontinental Musicland in Ottawa (St. Laurent Shopping Center, for you Ottawites), paid 160$ (marked down) for a new Yamaha classical guitar. It sounds very deep and rich (as opposed to bright).

Enjoy my elite (read: rusty) classical skills!

(Note that the first is a rip of the clean part of Metallica''s "To Live Is To Die")


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