Bitmap Problem

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7 comments, last by PigHeaded 24 years ago
Hello All, I would like someone to help me out with this problem. I am trying to load a 24 bit bitmap on to a 16 bit DDraw surface. But my image looks like it has missing horizontal scan lines and the colors or off. Here is the code segments I am using. _lread(file_handle,temp_buffer,(bitmap->bitmapfileheader.bfSize - bitmap->bitmapfileheader.bfOffBits)); // now convert each 24 bit RGB value into a 16 bit value for (index=0; index < bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biWidth*bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biHeight; index++) { // extract RGB components (in BGR order), note the scaling UCHAR blue = (temp_buffer[index*3 + 0] >> 3); UCHAR green = (temp_buffer[index*3 + 1] >> 3); UCHAR red = (temp_buffer[index*3 + 2] >> 3); myIndex++; // build up 16 bit color word USHORT color = _RGB16BIT(red,green,blue); // write color to buffer ((USHORT *)bitmap->buffer)[index] = color; } // end for index And below Is where I attempt to read the buffer into a 16 bit surface. UCHAR *sourceptr; USHORT *destptr; DDSURFACEDESC2 ddsd; sourceptr= bitmap->buffer+cy*bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biWidth+cx; ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); NewSurface->Lock(NULL,&ddsd,DDLOCK_WAIT/DDLOCK_SURFACEMEMORYPTR,NULL); destptr=(USHORT *)ddsd.lpSurface; for (int indexy=0;indexy < bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biHeight;indexy++) { //16 bit: // copy each bitmap line into primary buffer // taking into consideration non-linear video // cards and the memory pitch lPitch // copy the line memcpy(&destptr[indexy*ddsd.lPitch], &sourceptr[indexy*bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biWidth*2], bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biWidth*2); } // end for y NewSurface->Unlock(NULL); As I said it looks like the image is broken up and the color are off. Also I tried to find the routine to fix the power of 4 problem with this code. Does anyone have it, and can it work for images that are not even a power of 2. Thanks,
If you are not averse to using the windows API, and speed is not your biggest concern, use the routine below. Windows, when loading a bitmap, will automatically dither it very nicely to whatever video mode you''re using.

(Note that this forum replaces the or (/) symbol with a division symbol. So, wherever you see (OR), use a pipe)

HDC hdcimage;
hdc hdcsurface;





* * *

This should put a bitmap on a surface, from a file. Like I said, the windows method of dithering is very good. If you have any trouble, drop me a line-- in case I mistyped something.

-- Goodlife

Think of your mind as a door on a house. Leave the door always closed, and it's not a house, it's a prison. Leave the door always open, and it's not a house, it's a wilderness-- all the vermin creep in.
-- Goodlife-----------------------------Those whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad.--DirectX design team official motto
Sorry, That won''t work for me since speed is an issue and so is access to the color index prior to being loaded on a DDraw Surface. I need to find out what the problem is with the code I am using.


It is VERY important to know which 16 Bit color Format you are using with your ddraw Surface, cause it could be 555 or 565 or maybe 4444 if you are using transparency.

When i see this correct,the Problem with the lines comes from the destPointer beeing of a 16 Bit Type, but the lPitch Value counts Bytes, so you have to divide within the Memcopy like this :


to get the correct Position

--------> <---------
Thank you Lars!

You know I should have known that I needed to divide the lPitch by 2

You are right. At the moment I only have my conversion set up for the 555 card I am using and I need to take into account other formats as well.

Thanks again,


Edited by - PigHeaded on 4/11/00 11:05:04 AM
It works great for bitmaps that are a power of 4.
Now all I need to do is find out how to handle the DWORD alingment problem with bitmaps that are not a power of 4. Anyone?

Can someone show me how to handle the DWORD alingment problem with bitmaps that are not a power of 4?

Anyone please help.

Well, I don''t know if you still got that problem... I don''t think so because it''s ben half of a month ago now that you posted that question last time...

But as I''m not sure about the answer and you might have got it in the meantime, I can try.

I think, whenever you have a size (i.e., width) that is not dword-aligned you''ll have to round it up to the next dword-aligned number (for example from 541 to 544 - I know them are crazy numbers, but who cares, it''s an example). The supergfluous bytes will remain unused, simple memory overhead.

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